February 2022 Cameroon, Canada, France
We strongly recommend you download the "
Bible Companion" app, from where you can access
Carelinks messages, daily Bible readings,
Bible Basics, commentary on every verse of the Bible and audio exhortations on every chapter of the Bible.
For Android / Google Play at
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.carelinks.bc and on the App Store for Apple / iOS at
https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bible-companion/id1475914490 You can break bread live online as follows:
Saturday mornings 09:00 a.m.UK time; on Zoom
Meeting ID: 669 740 1754 Passcode: XPb9Sz.
Sundays at 3:00 PM New Zealand time. That's 1 PM in Sydney Australia; 10 PM in New York, USA on Saturday evening [run by Br John Aldersley in New Zealand] on
Sundays at 10am North American Eastern Time [3 PM UK GMT time, 11 PM Sydney Australia time]. Run by Br Jim Barton in Canada.
Meeting ID: 912 375 8179 . Also, Bible class on Wednesdays at 7 PM North American Eastern Time
Our New Zealand brethren are again engaging Aharon in Israel to give a virtual tour of Masada, on 13 February God willing. You can see more info at www.carelinks.net/files/masada.pdf
Sister Mim Clark has produced another card for printing and distributing, you can download the artwork from

Brother Craig tells us:
We are delighted to announce the baptism of our new sister, AICHA, who lives in the forested region of eastern Cameroon. Our dedicated brother Wilfried travelled for 26 hours over 2 days (he estimates around 900kms) to baptize this ex Muslim who has accepted the Lord Jesus as her Saviour. He reports that it was a joyous occasion, although the baptism had to be carried out in secrecy as sister Aicha's family are all Muslims. We ask for your prayers for our new sister who is currently in isolation. She hopes soon to have a smart phone and has expressed interest in joining our Francophone WhatsApp group. We give thanks to our Heavenly Father for his grace.
You can see her holding the "What is the Gospel?" booklet in French, which brother Wilfried has been distributing.
Jim Anne Barton have been advertising the Persian Bible app in Canada, and we're delighted to report the baptisms online of a Persian couple in Canada, ABBAS and his wife MARYAM, with brother Arash translating. It was a really happy time together online and they hope to attend the Canadian Zoom meetings which Jim Anne run. All so encouraging.
We spent a very happy time in France this week helping brother Romain baptize his sister AMELIE.
Not far away now lives brother Kevin and sister Daisy, baptized in Brazil in 2011 although Kevin is from France. Kevin attended our Carelinks Missionary Training program in Riga in 2013 and has kept in touch. He and his wife have opened a website clearly explaining the Truth, with lots of reasons why they reject Trinity and the common understanding of Satan. There is no greater joy than to see converts still "walking in truth" now 11 years later... and now with their two delightful children, living in a small village in the Dordogne. We had a wonderful time of fellowship together; and compared how we are now with the photo we took of ourselves together in Brazil 11 years ago. This is indeed the fellowship of the Spirit and we look forward to eternity together. They'd be very open to a visit from anyone in the area:

- For those recently baptized
- For work planned this week God willing in Latvia and Israel
- For our dear ones in Ukraine and Russia at this very frightening time for them
With love from your brothers and sisters of Carelinks