July 2024 Australia, Indonesia, UK, Ukraine

Once again, we're happy to tell you of more baptisms in Perth by brother Mark, this time of GAYLENE and RAYCE, see the video of the baptism chat and their testimonies at

Along with Bro Sigit and Bro Peter,  Bro Phil & Sis Miri Worsnop have been working so hard supporting sister Emy in her witness. Miri writes: "We were pleased to hear each of the young people who are part of sis Emy's orphanage give their testimonials from the Bible and answer questions about our basic beliefs. Although we are staying at a hotel run by Islamic owners, they were very happy and supportive of our request to use the pool for the baptisms. About 25 people witnessed the baptisms after an introductory talk, followed by a memorial meeting and lunch. These young people came into Sis Emy's  care from March 2022. From that time, we have seen their knowledge and understanding develop from daily morning (4.30am) prayers, praise and evening Bible readings and prayers. Then a Sunday School via zoom each week for over 18mths. These lessons were then continued to be built on during the following week. Sis Emy and Bro Sigit were thrilled to see the results of God's blessing on their consistent work. The young people are in a blessed environment (no TV or social media) to continue to grow in the truth and develop the fruits of the spirit.  As young people they have already seen and experienced death of parents, sickness, hunger, hopelessness, civil fighting and killings so the Truth means everything to them".

Again, there is so much to report of the Lord's activity amongst the hundreds if not thousands of online followers of our activities at church in a pub in south London.
Meetings carry on increasingly well attended, and many who are now friends with each other outside of church activities. Lunchtime church especially is a good time for a chat about life and one thing and another. But we really do appeal again for some assistance on the ground:
A lot of these folks do have problems and issues, they are the poor of this world. We do give some welfare support and as ever are open to your assistance with this:
One of the first people to attend our meetings two years ago was TONY, an army veteran who chooses to live in a tent to keep away from the culture of drugs and alcohol that afflicts Croydon. It's taken him a very long time to come to baptism despite being one of our most regular attenders, usually attending all four of our weekly meetings. After last Sunday's meeting, finally, finally... Tony was baptized! What a happy time it was.
Video at https://youtu.be/qLSBnHYCldU
 What a victory for the Gospel of God's love in His Son! Tony is ex-army and has seen active combat in Iraq and Afghanistan and had a lot of guilt about murders committed in combat at close quarters. It's taken him two years to accept God's love. The video starts with a chat between Spiro and Tony in the pub, with Tony so worried about the sin of murder, and Spiro comforting him about the total cleansing of the Lord's sacrifice. Ieva and Evia made him a special baptism cake with "Tony" written on it, Tony said the only time someone ever baked and iced him a cake was his late mum when he left the army. Tony said that despite close quarters contact, charging enemy machine guns... surrendering to God and getting baptized was the hardest thing he's ever done. He was very nervous, and so happy afterwards, phoning us all through the week afterwards saying how happy he was to be in Christ. Tony will always be Tony, we've edited the expletives out of the video for your listening comfort, but truly here's a man who has come to the Lord Jesus. The video includes the chit chat afterwards... you will get the feel of it, good honest cockney folk, rough diamonds but diamonds.
For many years GARY, a plumber from northeast London, has been a Christian... but only more recently got deep into the word of God and realized how much fake stuff there is out there. And he realized the need not to be lukewarm, but to be hot for the Lord Jesus and not cold. It was clearly from God that Gary connected with our videos from church in a pub in Croydon. And so, we drove from his place to Southend on Sea for the baptism in the Thames estuary. Men of the world would have been frustrated by the long traffic jams and grey skies. But the hour we drove together was such a wonderful time of confession, faith, love and hope. Gary is also a singer and guitar player and hopes to get over to Croydon to give us some live Christian music.
Video at https://youtu.be/WA5K2-Dcx1E
We continue sending funds and support to our brothers and sisters in Ukraine, received with great thanks. And we naturally thank you who so kindly donate.
And here are some messages from sister Alena, whose apartment block was hit with her and her young children inside it. They are now so scared and we do need to pray for them and many others in similar situations, under constant fear from bombardment:
Appreciate your prayers too as we plan another trip to Israel and Ukraine.

   - For those recently baptized
   - For more help in Croydon
   - For the traumatized young children of our sisters in Ukraine
   - For Phil & Miri and Emy's great work in Indonesia and all the long term follow up it will require
   - For brother M and sister R in their extraordinary situation in the UK

With love from your brothers and sisters of Carelinks