September 2024 Australia, Austria, Iran, Israel, Turkey, UK

Brother Mark and sister Lisa made the long trip from Perth to Busselton WA to baptize GEMMA:
"Gemma had the spirit of God open her heart to the grace and compassion of Jesus; in her weakness she sensed the strength and compassion of Jesus; weakness highlighted the strength of Jesus' compassion and his forgiveness; and so Gemma contacted us after seeing our YouTube ad whilst searching for online Christian music. This was all the hand of God; God searching and opening hearts to His saving grace in Jesus. It was a pleasure to do a 7 hour round trip to Gemma and bring to her the basics of the Gospel; the basics and yet the most important aspects of the Gospel; the basics but greatest aspect as Paul put it in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 "that Christ *died for our sins* according to the scriptures; he was buried, and rose again the third day according to the scriptures". We were able to explain that because Jesus lives, he will also return again and gather to himself his baptised committers, so as to be forever with him in his kingdom here on earth. We were able to quickly dispel the popular fear mongering of a supernatural tempter and the fear of eternal hell fire. Gemma suspected a fakeness in the Pentecostal, Evangelical and Revivalist movements and did not feel comfortable with what seemed like an overbearing fakeness; she was searching for the Jesus that receives a small and weak person. So, after several hours of sincere Biblical discussions, Gemma was baptised into the saving name of Jesus Christ. May her salvation by grace, be a praise to God's grace, and a satisfaction/comfort to Jesus for all he suffered for us".
We're also praying for the amazing work of brother John Chol bringing contacts to Phil & Miri Worsnop for further instruction in the Gospel. We hope to report a baptism of one of those contacts.

This week we made a one-day visit to the group in Vienna. It was a joy to assist brother Iliya in baptizing FARSHAD and KAMRAN. The group there continue on in the Lord, which is always a joy to behold. For as John writes "I have no greater joy than that [our] children walk in truth".

We've had quite a few online baptisms this week, all as a result of people using the Farsi "Bible Companion" app in various locations, not all in Iran: MANSOUR, ABULFAZL, DANIAL, MOHAMMAD and HOSSEIN.

Our migrant brethren working on farms in northern Israel, as well as our Russian speakers in north of Haifa, are now regularly having to take shelter when the sirens sound. So, our prayers are with them.

We're planning a weekend conference for our Iranian brothers and sisters in Turkey later in October, Lord willing. The cost is significant- we have to hire a suitable conference room with baptism facilities which are discreet from public view due to the Islamic culture there. Your donations are welcome. And let us know if you'd like to attend.

Our residential retreat at Carroty Wood, Tonbridge, Kent October 18-20 Lord willing is proving very popular. Places are filling up. There's unlimited room for day visitors but if you want to spend the weekend with truly interesting people... do book now.
We were so pleased to welcome to Croydon pub church sister Michelle from Guildford ecclesia and sister Leonie from South Africa. After meeting we rejoiced in the baptism of ELSIE. She's been homeless and just in such a bad place. But as a true fighter, she has endured and given herself completely to the Lord as her only hope and saviour. She has just the white bag of belongings which she takes with her. We're so grateful that the Lord has enabled us to reach out to someone like this who is outside the net of any standard church. Truly the Lord Jesus is for the marginal, and you couldn't get anyone more marginal than Elsie. Jesus is for her. And she has declared herself for Jesus. Nothing can be said against that.
 Video at
And then ANNE after lunchtime church. Anne looks a respectable, middle class working woman. And indeed she was. But she lost her job at the same time as having been deceived by a rogue landlord and discovering that many months of unpaid utilities bills have been run up in her name. The courts are so slow that it's a long process to prove your innocence. And so her life plunged downwards and she for now is sleeping in her car. She says she goes to places where food and help is given to the homeless- and is told to go away "Because this is intended for the homeless". But she is homeless, although she doesn't look like it. So no wonder she turned to the Lord. It was such a joy to baptize her. We do believe and trust that she will get through her present crisis and move onwards and upwards, now with the Lord with her. Here she is with our veteran sister Leonie Verster from South Africa, who's been doing the food etc. for us at The Venue this week:
Sister Leonie has been such a shot in the arm for us all here in south London. If she at 80 years old can come and help cook and preach... we wonder whether there are really not anyone else who could come and do the same?

   - For those recently baptized
   - For the great work of Phil & Miri Worsnop in Ipswich QLD Australia with so many very interested contacts
   - For our brethren in Israel in the stressful situation there from the Hizbollah missiles
   - For more workers on the ground in Croydon, South London UK

With love from your brothers and sisters of Carelinks