October 2020 Latvia, Colombia, Spain, UK, China, Remote Islands
We strongly recommend you download the
"Bible Companion" app, from where you can access
Carelinks messages, daily Bible readings,
Bible Basics, commentary on every verse of the Bible and audio exhortations on every chapter of the Bible.
For Android / Google Play at
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.carelinks.bc and on the App Store for Apple / iOS at
https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bible-companion/id1475914490 COLOMBIA For some months we've been in contact with CRISTINA, an enthusiastic user of the Spanish
Bible Companion app in Colombia. We had lots of correspondence, along with brother Pedro in Florida, as doctrine by doctrine, "difficult passage by difficult passage", we discussed the issues of the Trinity and the Devil. Cristina became convinced of the Truth about the Lord Jesus and the real nature of sin and temptation. She realized her need for baptism, but spread the message of truth to her family members. Her sister, daughters, cousin, etc. She urged them too to get baptized. Cristina is a true matriarch. Her mother died when she was a baby and her father abandoned his TEN children...she was brought up by her oldest sister.
So we sent funds for them to get transport to meet up together, and baptize each other. And it all came together and happened- despite many difficulties with Corona restrictions at this time in Colombia, which is hard hit by the virus. It was a wonderful time, a real triumph for the truth of Christ. Cristina began the gathering with a prayer and summary of our beliefs, and then the family group baptized each other in a beautiful location some way out of Bogota- in addition to Cristina, ALBA, PAOLA, LILIANA, ORLANDO and OSWALDO.
You can see the video at
https://youtu.be/lC8YNvXeFMM There was great joy in Heaven and amongst us worldwide who have been in touch with them. The Truth we believe really does make compelling sense to those who are looking for the Lord in spirit and truth. The family are reading according to the Bible Companion, using the app. As Cristina reports after the baptism:
SPAIN Pleased to report the baptism of JOSE in Spain, again more fruit from the Spanish
Bible Companion app. Jose is an immigrant from
Equatorial Guinea who came to search for God in spirit and truth, after becoming disillusioned with the fake miracles and "give the pastor money" attitude of the Pentecostal church he had been attending. Many thanks to brother Ben Funes for getting up in the middle of the night California time in order to run the baptism service in Spanish.
LATVIA We continue feeding our dear brethren and interested folks in two or three sittings at the banquet hall of a cafe, doing Bible study and breaking bread with 30-40 whilst the next group waits outside, and then repeating the program for them, and at times, a third time. Attendance is increasing. It's not quite the same as being in the hall, but, a great spirit. Always good to have more people wanting to come to meeting than there is room in the meeting place. Although we carefully keep within all restrictions, it is all the same a worry to all be together with Covid rampant. Appreciate your prayers as we try to continue as best we can.
UK Another Iranian, SAED, was baptized this week in the UK. With online attendance from others in the UK as well as Latvia and Australia. We praise God. This was more fruit of the Bible app.
Here's a message from brother Saed afterwards:
CHINA Brother Donald has been sent funds for restoring his home and that of his parents, now the flood waters have receded. He writes:
Dear brothers,Thanks SO MUCH for all your help for the flood, I am now repairing the house.GOD BLESS". He sent some photos, and we include a file photo we published earlier of the house photographed from a boat at the height of the flooding. A rather dramatic "before and after
"- again, thanks to your help REMOTE ISLANDS App downloads continue worldwide, and this week we have been contacted by folks living on various small islands worldwide who have already been using the app for some time. There was one from the islet of Kosrae in the Pacific, part of the group of Islands known as
And then from South Agalaga, one of the two Agalaga Islands. These are in the Indian Ocean, about 1000 km from Mauritius, to whom they belong. About 270 people live on the two islands. And now we have a contact on the south of the two islands, who has the
Bible Companion app [in French] and has requested a French
Bible Basics! You can find out about these remote islands on Wikipedia and the internet. They were uninhabited until 200 years ago, when some pirates ended up settling there, and were joined by some female slaves who had fallen sick and instead of throwing them overboard, the slave traders dumped them on the island. Their descendants comprise the current population. Truly the Gospel is reaching the utmost islands of the Gentiles.
Agalaga Island:
PRAYER POINTS: - For those recently baptized
- For the Covid situation in Latvia
- For brother Donald as he and his parents rebuild their homes after the huge flooding
- Thanksgiving for the amazing blessing being poured out on the Bible apps
With love from your brothers and sisters of Carelinks