December 2021 Iran, Israel, UK, USA
We strongly recommend you download the "
Bible Companion" app, from where you can access
Carelinks messages, daily Bible readings,
Bible Basics, commentary on every verse of the Bible and audio exhortations on every chapter of the Bible.
For Android / Google Play at and on the App Store for Apple / iOS at You can break bread live online as follows:
Saturday mornings 09:00 a.m.UK time; on Zoom
Meeting ID: 669 740 1754 Passcode: XPb9Sz.
Sundays at 3:00 PM New Zealand time. That's 1 PM in Sydney Australia; 10 PM in New York, USA on Saturday evening [run by Br John Aldersley in New Zealand] on
Sundays at 10am North American Eastern Time [3 PM UK GMT time, 11 PM Sydney Australia time]. Run by Br Jim Barton in Canada.
Meeting ID: 912 375 8179 . Also, Bible class on Wednesdays at 7 PM North American Eastern Time
This week we were so happy to baptize SIAVASH, soon after the Zoom breaking of bread meeting.
The clothes sent to our African migrant brethren in Israel, costing around 1600 Pounds, have now finally arrived. They are SO grateful for them- fleece jackets, gloves for working in the fields with, beanies and other things. Those metal boxes they live in are freezing as they have no insulation. And the clothes arrived just in time for the cold snap... remember the Galilee where they are is quite high altitude. They regularly attend our Zoom breaking of bread meetings, and there's a brief video message of thanks from them at

This week we had the absolute lovely baptism of SARAH, wife of our brother Arash, a regular attender at our weekly Zoom meetings. It was an occasion of great joy, real joy. Not just for her but for Arash her husband who has been such a great witness to the true Gospel.
We spent Christmas Eve preaching on the streets with really amazing response, giving New Testaments to the crowds of last minute Christmas shoppers in central Croydon. Daniel made quite a helpful witness to a family of ex-JWs; he was really excited that we had been led to others who don't believe the Trinity.
When you do this work of distributing New Testaments to the masses, you really are holding forth the word of life. And people are caught out of left field with God trying to push into their lives through His word. Every hand that accepts those NTs was surely intended to by God. And the take up was so good in Croydon. You can see the video at

Brother Tim Anderson is still at it trying new slogans for advertising of the app on his car:

- For those recently baptized
- For all those suffering persecution
- For our brothers and sisters in Russia and Ukraine experiencing angst and family divisions because of the situation
With love from your brothers and sisters of Carelinks
Here's a note from Br Steve Gretton for those who may still be donating to the CAT or RWP:
Christadelphian Advancement Trust
This is a brief note to let you know that Christadelphian Advancement Trust [CAT] has now merged with Carelinks in UK.
Beginning with 1 January 2022, former donors to CAT are requested to send any donations to Carelinks who have taken over the responsibilities previously undertaken by CAT.
Riga Winter Welfare, also known as Riga Welfare Programme.[RWP]
With the sale of the Riga Bible Centre and the restrictions forced on us all by Covid, the trustees of RWP have asked Carelinks to take over responsibility for the welfare of the brothers and sisters in Latvia.
Any specific donation for this work should now be sent to Carelinks please not RWP.
The bank details of Carelinks are shown in the footnote to this newsletter (or you can donate to CAF Donate, also shown below.)
If you have any questions, please email Steve Gretton at