July 2024 Australia, UK, Ukraine

Pleased to tell you that sister ASHLEY just self baptized in Streaky Bay SA, pretty far from anywhere. But we marvel at the constant spread of the Gospel to the remotest areas.

This week after Lunchtime Church it was a joy to baptize our invalid sister MARYAM, who had been well prepared for baptism by other brethren and Farsi Bible Basics which you can see in her lap in the photos. She speaks little English, so we had to use Google Translate and brother Salah on WhatsApp to adequately communicate with her. You can see Spiro using the phone to communicate with her and urge her onwards in the new life, with our sister often bursting into tears. She is so passionate for the Lord Jesus. She moves only on a frame and is panting after every few steps. She is in a lot of pain, screaming from pain as sister Evia baptized her. It was quite a journey for her from the lounge along the corridor to brother Marcus's bath tub, she was panting and exhausted after shuffling that short distance. She displayed an absolute devotion to the Lord Jesus and a desperate clinging on to Him. A wonderful baptism. Many thanks to brother Peter who kindly drove several hours through start-stop central London traffic in a rainstorm in order to collect our sister from the hotel she lives in and return her there. As an asylum seeker she does get medical attention but was released from hospital to her hotel room where she is being put up as an asylum seeker, where she has no kitchen and it's very hard for her to get food. She's really in a bad place in many parts of her life and we will do what we can for her. But do pray for her. Video is at https://youtu.be/cWkqPM8n6qA
Talks this week at Lunchtime Church continued going through John's Gospel:
There's so much fake in the world but Jesus is the good shepherd, and we know His voice, John 10 https://youtu.be/QNf8cWhLvaI

What it feels like to be the very special, beloved little sheep of Jesus, John 10:23-42 https://youtu.be/oLaArQ8ob0Q

How it is to be a special friend of the Lord Jesus, the family at Bethany John 11 https://youtu.be/ZHcK0f7JNfk

We really do need to pray for our brothers and sisters there, some under such heavy bombardment and about all of them suffering from serious lack of electricity, due to a large % of Ukraine's power generation having been knocked out by bombing. As you have probably seen from the media, the doctrine of trying to terrify the civilian population into submission continues, with the bombing of hospitals and civilian areas. Appreciate your prayers for wisdom as we plan the next visit to Ukraine. Brother Andrej has sent the following pictures, and they are typical of the scenes witnessed by many of our brothers and sisters over the last two weeks. Some are from the bombing of the children's hospital in Kiev, very close to where some of our sisters live. We can only ask for your prayers:
   - For those recently baptized
   - For our brothers and sisters suffering in Ukraine at this time
   - For sister Maryam and others with health issues which they aren't getting adequate help with
   - For wisdom as to how to assist in Ukraine

With love from your brothers and sisters of Carelinks