News from the Americas
I am responding on behalf of Sis. Ida Yeawood, who has been receiving Gospel News for years, and always looked forward to each edition. Ida is now unable to read the magazine due to her failing eyesight because of her age. She would very much like to have the Gospel News magazine posted to someone else where the word is scarce, where someone else can benefit from it, as she has over the years. She also continues to pray for your work and truly looks forward to the time when she will be able to see all her brethren and sisters in the Kingdom to come, and pray that it will be pretty soon.
Sis. Ida Yeawood
I look forward to reading Gospel News Magazine; I have found out that I can read it on the internet so you do not have to post any more to me as the postal rate is very costly.
Sis. Judy Rose
Old age is creeping up and I am taking ages to get things done but as my late husband used to say, “excuses, excuses, will get you nowhere,” which is very true. So I hasten to say, please continue sending my Gospel News; I do appreciate reading them and learning so much about our beloved brethren and sisters far and near.
Sis. Lorraine Mitchell

In the Georgetown Hall on the occasion of the baptism of Sis. Jean Vieira. Left to right. Sis. Jean Vieira, Sis. Lorraine Mitchell, Mrs. Donna Dalgety (Jean’s daughter)

Sis. Elisa Howard, baptised on 15th June 2008. Firtsfruit of a new C.Y.C. group called “Lively Stones” attached to the Georgetown Ecclesia, Guyana. Elisa is the grand-daughter of Sis. Jean Vieira and greatly encouraged her in her studies of the Word.
I have always received Gospel News and find it amazing and uplifting to know what is happening in the brotherhood. The address is the same as you sent to before and I am still interested in receiving it. Keep up the good work and if possible could you have a slot for the Caribbean ecclesias for publishing material.
Bro. Davion Sinclair