News from Asia
We’re happy to report the baptisms of LI and CHEN and rejoice in the great spread of the Gospel in China.
We’re delighted to report the baptism of SANTOSH, a result of the internet outreach of Carelinks.
Photo: Brother Santosh re-living how some years ago he began reading a New Testament starting at Matthew chapter 1, and read a few pages each day until he had read through.
We’re very happy to report the baptisms of LOVIGIE and IAN as a result of the visit of Brothers Steve Jones and Mark Gilbert to Mindanao. May their work there be blessed further.
The copies of Bible Basics and Gospel News that we continue to receive does not only truly enlighten us in the Truth but have become our especial spiritual mentors. They also greatly widen our atmosphere of knowledge and recognition of how the Word of God dramatically worked in the lives of men and women designed for the Age to come. They add grandeur to our ecclesial library. The Bugallon First Christadelphian Ecclesia celebrated, on 8th September 2005, their 20th Foundation Anniversary. Bro. Sergio A. Bumadilla and his family were the first converts. The joyous occasion was attended by about 70 Brethren, Sisters and Sunday School pupils. The speakers dealt on Christ’s Second Coming and the Day of Judgment. We all enjoyed this memorable event.
Bro. Sergio A. Bumadilla

The Gemino Family