News from Europe / Eurasia
I have had many problems lately and
also Br Maksim has been ill quite badly.
My mobile phone and other things were
stolen so it has been hard for me to be in
contact as I like to be. We continue to
preach here and some are deeply
Sis. Larisa

Photo: Sis. Larisa with a quilt sent from sisters in Australia
As I meet more and more Brothers and Sisters and see the impact the Truth has had upon their lives, I realize what a colossal labour you have done. For me and for others, for now we have hope, whereas we did not previously.
Bro. Leonid
I am having good discussions with my grandson about Jesus. Here as it is now Summer we are so busy in the fields, but always I am thinking of you and above all of God and the Kingdom.
Sis. Nina

Photo: Sis. Nina milking her cow early one morning
My brother and I have not been well recently, as you know we are invalids of Chernobyl. Now it is hard for us to change our shoes as our feet swell. We really appreciate the wheelchairs and all help given, but if it would at all be possible to get an electric wheelchair we would be simply so appreciative. We read the Bible each day, our only hope is the return of Jesus and we pray for this each day and look at the news on the TV always hoping to see signs of it.
Bro. Valerij
ALMA ATAHearing and reading from others of how wonderful are your Bible Schools, I would so love to come, but I know my health won’t allow me. I appreciate deeply your prayers and the parcels of clothes and food received this Winter.
Sis. LenaASTANAI so enjoyed the last edition of our
Zvezda magazine! It is good to have our own magazine in Russian. I was sorry not to come to the Bible School but I hope brother Duncan can get to see us here.
Sis. ElenaKOKSHETAUIt was really a very wonderful Bible School in Poltava and I returned here with so much strength not only from the lectures but from the meetings with the brothers and sisters. I so appreciate all financial efforts made to enable us to gather like this.
Sis. Svetlana B.Sister Regina and I have been so ill lately, we were in one and the same hospital at the same time so we read together and encouraged each other in our hope. Brother Sergej is also in hospital. I am so glad I came to the Bible School. I remember the words spoken and I dwell on them. I am reading Duncan’s book “A world waiting to be won” at the moment and people around me. I stand with you all.
Sis. Elvira
Photo: Sister Elvira at Bible SchoolI was so blessed to be able to attend that amazing Bible School, it was as if during those days we were somehow in another world, where we could concentrate only on God, just as we will for ever in the Kingdom. Thank you so so much that I could come.
Sis. Marija
Photo: Sis. Marija [centre] at Bible School
We’re delighted to report the baptisms of KRISTAPS, ANDREJ, STANISLAVA, VALENTINA and BRONISLAVA. They were baptized during the visit of Br. Phil & Sis. Miriam Worsnop from New Zealand. May the Lord keep them in His way.
I am writing this very early in the morning because it is the only time I have any peace with which to write to you. I want to thank you for the food and other help given, I feel very awkward and inadequate before you all, only hoping I shall remain firm in faith until Jesus comes.
Sis. Irena
I continue reading the Bible each day, I find I have good days and bad days in my walk before God, but I can say that each and every day, I find strength in prayer.
Bro. Ruslan
I am now on a course with my new job and I hate the way it takes my time, when I have so many lovely Christadelphian books to read and study. I am so glad that Sister Nina has been helped to rebuild her farm, well done!
Sis. Sarmite
I have been moved to tears by the help received. I hope for better times. God does not keep us from life’s storms, He walks with us through them.
Sis. Olga
I was so delighted to be at the Bible weekend. At the moment I am working 15 hour shifts so it is a very stressful time for me, and having those days off gave me great strength.
Sis. Vaira
We’re delighted to report the baptisms of ANVAR and VENERA in Tatarstan. May the Lord guide them towards His Kingdom.
I am still under such strong impression from the absolutely wonderful fellowship which I enjoyed at the Bible School! The atmosphere was just so spiritual and we all felt as members of the same family. I remain in touch with Bro. Boris and also Sis. Lena, I feel to them as my true brother and sister in this new family God has created.
Bro. Oleg

Photo: Bro. Oleg giving a ‘from the heart’ presentation at the recent Bible School
My brief message this time is that I am longing more than ever for the return of Jesus Christ to earth. May God bless you all. I enclose a list of my relatives who would like to receive Bible Basics.
Bro. Ivan
Despite all problems, and old age as well, I take much comfort from our sisters here, from phone calls from brothers like Duncan and Oleg,. Please pray for me about my operation. I thank God for all and in all situations.
Sis. Ludmila K.
I really so enjoy reading news of the brothers and sisters. It was such a shame that I couldn’t come to the Bible School, I so wanted to but the distance is far. I enjoyed reading of the baptism of that Russians in Israel, I find this simply wonderful, and I want you to know the news of you all encourages me in my lonely life here.
Sis. Oksana
As you know I live amidst Moslems, and it makes me feel very deeply that truly I am with Christ. I have to say, I suffer at times from them, and I find it hard to forgive them, and I only pray for more grace to forgive those who do not repent.
Bro. Mikhail
I am glad to hear of the growth of our ecclesias with more baptisms going on, and the successful Bible School. May God be with you all!
Bro. Sasha
As you know I have no relatives apart from my dear sister Sofia, I think often of how she is in Ukraine, and worry for her. I am hoping that God willing I will be able to make a visit to her. I wish to record my gratitude to Brother Oleg Grudzinsky who faithfully visits me. I so enjoy the breaking of bread together with him. We discuss you all and what is going on and know we can play our part by praying for you. My heart is so ill, I fear each day will be my last sometimes, please pray for me as I face death alone.
Bro. Boris

Photo: Brother Boris walking with his beloved sister (in the flesh and in the Lord), Sofia
I recently received 8 kg. of Christadelphian literature from Brother Marcus and I am so grateful! I read a lot and I feel so much opening up to my understanding.
Bro. Valerij
Here in northern Siberia the soil has now unfrozen enough for us to dig it, and we plant in hope of a harvest. It is as we are doing with our children, we make the Bible readings with them each day and they do really love these times. I give thanks to God for such great blessing His word has brought my family.
Bro. Ivan
I am eager for more copies of the course about Speaking About Jesus, I am finding people here interested in this. I ask for your prayers for my university course. My wife and I commit all our ways to the Lord.
Bro. Sergej
BELGRADEI enjoy reading the Russian magazine Zvezda and am writing an article for it. I am trying to persuade some websites here to publish my translation of the Russian Christadelphian books which I have made into Serbian.
Bro. Vladislav
We’re delighted to report the beginning of activity here, as reported elsewhere in this issue. Our sympathy is with sister Dilbara and Brother Alek in the loss of their father in Uzbekistan.
KHARKOVI am so glad when I remember how we met at Tuchkovo and you baptized me. I want to thank you for your great work in labouring to bring people to God. I also want to thank you for your help in saving me from cataracts. In March I had the operation as planned. Straight afterwards my distance vision became much better. After 2 months I will be able to wear glasses to help me with my close up vision (reading and writing). Now I am still taking medicine for that eye. I can now read the Scriptures again!
Bro. Anton

Photos: Brother Anton reading with difficulty at the January Bible School; and explaining his sight problem to Sis. CindyKIEVI have prepared disks with recordings of the Bible School talks, in MP3 and WMA format. They are available for those who wish them!
Bro. PeterPOLTAVAI have thought much about the words of the brother from Australia who spoke at the Poltava Bible School, those words have been my food so often since then. It was truly an encouraging time there.
Sis. VeronikaI have been thinking about the fact that one day, the last person will be baptized, and then Jesus will come. I really think this is so, and so we must all try to preach the harder.
Bro. VladimirWe here are very happy with the
Zvezda Russian magazine and I have written an article for it. We are sorry to tell you of the deathly illness of our dear sister Ludmila Shtofel who all the same has the hope of the resurrection.
Bro. Gennady & Sis. Ludmila