News from Africa
We thank you so much for
your steady correspondence and the Bibles. We ask for forgiveness for the delay
in replying; we have a big problem with money for sending letters etc., we even
have a problem with language, for we do not know much English. I now send some
photos for publishing in Gospel News
We wish to announce that we
had three new born babies in our ecclesia on 30th January 2004, their
names are Bro. Victor Mesumbe, Sis. Alice Ntungwe and Bro Ringsly Epie. We pray
that God Almighty will guard them and give them strength so that the gospel of
God continues to spread world-wide.
Bro. Felix and Bro.
"The heavens are the Lord’s
heavens, but the earth He has given to the sons of men". "No one has ascended
into heaven, but he who descended from heaven, the Son of man". "And the Lord
will become King over all the earth. On that day the Lord will be one and His
name one" (Ps. 115:16; John 3:13; Zech. 14:9).
Sis. Therese Lene
Photo: Sis. Therese Lene
I received Gospel News
and it was a blessing to me, knowing about my brethren in other parts of the
world. With me, my health is improving and things are getting better. I was in
hospital for four months. The picture is of me returning back home from
Bro. George Ewi
Photo: Bro. Ewi
I am a cabinet maker and
hold a diploma in woodwork and small business management, also a certificate of
apprenticeship. I am unemployed, but make furniture for some ecclesias, like
benches, tables, chairs, blackboards etc. Please, can any Brother send me a
woodwork catalogue?
Bro. Brian Ebong
I’m now in my third year
and currently doing my teaching practice in a village a few kms. away from the
college. I teach English language, social studies, agricultural science,
religious and moral education, life skills and Ghanaian language in the Junior
secondary school.
Bro. Kofi Agyekum
It is very sad to report
that our Bro. Evans Dwame Anyiglah has fallen asleep in Christ. He was baptised
on May 21, 2003. He had an accident and was rushed to hospital at Sekondi, where
he was admitted for two weeks and later discharged, but he died within a few
days. I have had two attacks of malaria. The last one happened when I went out
to buy food and, returning, I suddenly fell down on the roadside where I lay for
a while before I was able to get up and continue to my house. Sis. Cecilia
travelled to see her senior sister at Kumasi in December. I am still preaching
the word of God here and at present have students; if our Lord remains away
there may be two or three baptisms. People here are showing a great interest in
the gospel; although many of them go to church, they lack good teaching of God’s
word. We pray that the Lord will come soon and that we may all enter into that
great Kingdom.
Bro. Joseph Oppong
We had hoped last year
would bring the Lord’s return, but although the signs continue to build up, the
Great Day has still not arrived. We pray this year may see our Lord’s second
coming. We can be sure we will continue to see more signs to strengthen our
faith as the time approaches; Israel is still at the centre of it all. As we
look around the world with all its troubles, we realise that it is completely
beyond man’s ability to put things right. Jesus said there would be distress of
nations with perplexity and men’s hearts failing them for fear. It does seem
that the terrorists are able to strike wherever they choose.
Bro. Eliud Ngayo
I am thankful for Gospel
News by which I am gaining knowledge from the views of Brethren and Sisters
from all over the world. Please continue – don’t give up. I thank Brethren for
the work of translation they are undertaking. I was happy when I read in
Gospel News that Bible Basics has been translated into Swahili. Those
Brethren who sacrificed for this work will be blessed..
Bro. Moses Sande
I have read the CAT
booklet, ‘Women in the Church’, and note that the arguments are supported by
Holy Scripture, whereas the other denominations dwell on events of history.
Bro. John Kwyala
I am fine and still in the
race towards the Kingdom, for I have learned, like Paul, that nothing can, or
will, separate me from the lover of God which is manifested in Christ our Lord
(Rom. 8:39). Right now I have written a message in Swahili which I intended to
put on tapes, but I have no money to do so. Hope the Kingdom will be here soon.
The last word: Can I get about three Bible Basics in Kiswahili? I also
need a good King James’ Bible, if possible.
Bro. David Aphaxard
I thank Bros Rob Splint and
Kizayi who came to my house and shared the breaking of bread and the wine in
remembrance of our Lord Jesus Christ who was crucified on a tree because of sin.
I pray for my Brothers and Sisters and our friends so that we might make an
ecclesia in our area. I also thank Bro. Ernest Lavuna, who showed me the way to
the Kingdom. I won’t turn back like Lot’s wife when God destroyed Sodom and
Gomorrah, or like somebody who puts their hand to the plough and looks back;
such are not fit for the Kingdom of God (Lk. 9:62). Please send me Bible
Basics and Sunday School material.
Bro. Solomon Abukika
In a village in Kenya a man
died and was buried. Later, the man’s wife was convinced by a dream that her
husband wanted his watch, so she took the watch and buried it next to his body.
A young man secretly dug up the watch and used it for years until it wore out.
No harm came to him. If the dead man had had the power to influence the living,
he surely would have punished the thief who stole his watch from the grave.
Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 says, "For the living know that they shall die, but the dead
know not anything, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them
is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now
perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is
done under the sun". So we must stick to the Bible, Brothers and Sisters,
because man’s teaching is faulty.
Bro. Nicholas

Photo: Bro. Nicholas
I am sorry not to have let
you know that the Bible Basics you sent arrived safely. I gave them to
friends and think they are enjoying reading them. For this reason I request you
to send at least three more, one in Kiswahili, to give to other interested
Bro. Patrick Wafula
God will fulfil His ancient
promises made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and He has invited Gentiles to
participate in the same benefits (Gal. 3:8-9). The three steps to salvation are
(a) belief (b) baptism and (c) obedience. What must we first believe? According
to the Scriptures, "But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is
the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing ye might have life through his
Name" (John 20:31). It is also written in the epistle to the Romans (1:16, "For
I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto
salvation to everyone that believeth, to the Jew first, and also to the
Greek". In step two we find that baptism is followed after belief, "He that
believeth and is baptised shall be saved; but he that believeth not
shall be damned" (Mark 16:16). Paul, as an apostle of Christ, says to the
Galatians, "And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs
according to the promise" (Gal. 3:29). Thirdly, we should in our Christian life
obey God’s and Jesus’ commandments. With the help of the Bible Companion
we should read God’s word daily.
Bro. Moses Kutukhulu
Photo: Bro. Moses
It’s a long time since I
wrote to you. I have been in Tanzania preaching the gospel. I’m happy because
Gospel News helped us in reading more good testimonies from many Brothers
and Sisters all over the world. We have arranged a mini Bible School for
September and December.
Bro. Martin W.
Thank you for the book. My
wife was bitten by a very poisonous snake but, thanks to God, she is now going
on well. Here at Kitise it is very, very dry. As you know, people are all
different – some ask whether there is any help for us, others ask whether you
will come to visit us. But I tell them that if they hear my voice, they also
hear yours, because we understand the same gospel.
Bro. Daniel Maingi
This picture was taken on
the rocks of the Nandi Escarpment. There is a steep section and the background
shows the sugar cane Belt Zone. The place is called Kapuenyele and is a tourist
attraction area. Things have been moving towards establishing an ecclesia at
Nandi Hills town and I managed to travel to the town to meet up with Brethren in
charge of the Rift Valley region. The meeting was successful, being blessed by
our Heavenly Father.
Bro. Geoffrey
Photo: Bro Geoffrey
Chirchir, back, second from right with friends.
We had a good 2003 and hope
God will continue to bless us. Thank you for the good job with Gospel News
– keep it up! Enclosed is a photo of the members of the Makindu ecclesia and one
of myself.
Bro. Nicholas M.

Photo: Bro. Nzuki
Photo: Makindu ecclesia
I have a baby boy, 9 months
old, and I named him Duncan. He is suffering from a bent foot, forcing me to
take him to the hospital for an operation; he is young enough that the foot can
be treated.
Bro. Daniel Ogembo
Almost every one of us is
expecting Jesus to come soon. The Bible promises us that Jesus will truly come
(Matt. 24:36-39; Luke 17:26-27). The day and the hour no one knows, but the
Father only, and the days will be like the days of Noah (Gen. 6:5-8), and
"because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold" (Matt.
24:12-14). People will be lovers of earthly things, forgetting their God (2 Tim.
3). Matthew ch. 24 is like a mirror for us to watch. Many of these things are
happening, but the end is not yet, therefore we should endure all the sufferings
so that Jesus finds us ready for salvation.
Bro. Nicholas K.
Photo: Bro. Nicholas
Mutuku with some of his family
In the beginning God placed
man where everything was free (Gen. 1:28-30). There was a river in Eden for
watering. Problems started when Eve ate the forbidden fruit (Gen. 3:6). From
that day to our own, problems have increased daily in the world and man has
turned away from God. Genesis ch. 6 tells us how God decided to punish mankind
for their evil by destroying them with a flood. And we all know it is the same
in our own days due to the fact that man has turned away from God. Let us all
keep close to God and everything will be OK.
Bro. M. Lugo Jefa
I appreciate copies of
Gospel News, they are not wasted. A friend and I (who studied the
Bible with others) were caught and convicted of holding a gathering without a
certificate of registration as a known church community. We were mistaken as
being a certain sect that was not registered and was against the government, the
so-called ‘Mungiki’. Therefore the two of us were said to be the ones leading
the gathering and were sentenced to two years’ imprisonment, but now we are out
and are continuing with our studies, for it is for our benefit.
Francis Kinandu
I appreciate the work you
do of informing those who work for the Lord of what is happening in the world. I
am always grateful when I read Gospel News and I make sure I go through
it and understand it. I always pray for the oppressed and hope God will answer
my prayers. Jesus said (Mark 10:29-30) if we leave things in this life for his sake and
the gospel’s we shall receive a hundred fold with persecutions (repeat,
persecutions), and in the world to come eternal life. We should therefore preach
the gospel of our Master without fear of persecution, knowing it is part of our
Sis. Dorine A. Mboya
Photo: Sis. Dorine Mboya
(right), with friends
I thank you very much for
constantly sending me Gospel News. God’s mercy is wonderful, and I really
appreciate the spiritual feeding you have been offering me for so long. You have
been using your resources and energy to see to it that we get the word of God
right at our home turfs and on our door steps. I really appreciate the effort
you make to give this spiritual food to so many Brothers and Sisters in all
corners of the earth. May the Almighty God keep you safe and prolong your life
in order to keep on serving His children. I am a Sunday School teacher here.
Bro. Benson A. Ngadi
Photo: Bro Ngadi
I started receiving
Gospel News May/June 1999 to date and it has made me grow spiritually in
reading Brethren and Sisters’ living witness to the true gospel. We pray for the
truth to spread and encourage contributions to the Magazine. We wish you to
continue the witness to the truth, and pray for Brethren and Sisters to stand
firm in the faith. We pray for Brethren and Sisters where the truth is
restricted, especially in Muslim countries. The topic of the pre-existence of
Christ by Bro. John and Sis. Sally Palmer was of great spiritual help to us
showing that the Scriptures are the best interpreter. God has provided the true
evidence that the Bible is His inspired word, therefore it is profitable for
teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, that we
may be perfect to do the works of good (2 Tim. 3:16). No prophecy of scripture
is of any private interpretation, but holy men spoke from God as they were moved
by the power of the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:20,21). The God of the Bible is the
Creator of heaven and earth; He is King eternal, invisible, the only wise God,
the Almighty. God has the power to create and destroy (1 Tim. 1:17; Gen. 1:1;
Deut. 32:39). The God of the Bible spoke through the prophets, apostles and
through His Son, Jesus Christ, to reveal His wonderful purpose with man and the
earth. He spoke through Moses and promised to raise up a Prophet from the family
of Israel to whom salvation would be preached in his name (Deut. 18:15; 17:20
[compare Acts 20:20-26]). We must appreciate God’s love in sending His beloved
Son, Jesus Christ, anointed with the Holy Spirit, to be Lord and Christ, the
promised Messiah. We are looking forward to his second coming, he who is our
only Redeemer, to take over the kingdoms of men.
Bro. John Owalo Onani
I am grateful to God to be
able to announce that Tongaren ecclesia has been blessed with three baptisms,
all are daughters of the undersigned: Esther Kasembeli (wife of Bro. Moses
Kasembeli), Getquin Mandako and Lowvine Nafuna. May God bless them as they now
journey through the wilderness of this world to the Kingdom of God.
Bro. Isaac Kapa
I thank God for His mercy
which He has on us this minute. I have problems here and there; I need your
prayers so that I may escape them. Don’t stop sending books and other items,
because they keep my faith strong in the coming Kingdom. They also help me in
knowing more of the truth of the word of God and of His Son, Jesus. Be blessed
with the Lord and continue doing His will until the Kingdom comes with our
Brother, Jesus.
Sis. Dorcus Mabuka
We must keep our lamps
filled with oil and our garments clean. Thank you for the spiritual material you
send regularly. I have retired from work, but bad health follows my footsteps
and I take many pills to survive. CAT is the sower of seeds in every part of the
world, especially in Moslem countries – a job considered to be difficult.
Another fellowship has opened a little ecclesia here and one of our members has
joined them.
Bro. Lilcan Ancharar
Thank you for your letter
and the cards, which are helping me to read the Bible and know the truth. God be
glorified. I and the Brethren and Sisters were happy to hear that you had been
to Australia
meeting with Brethren and Sisters whose ecclesia runs special English courses
for foreigners, and do it by teaching them to read from the Bible. This is most
interesting to us because most of us speak French, Swahili or Portuguese. Is it
possible for us to be helped to understand English?
Bre. & Srs. From
Lichinga ecclesia.
Comment: If anyone has
suitable literature to help these Bre. & Srs. learn English, could they please
let me know. MH
We want to move forward and
share this Good News with our fellow refugees and compatriots outside the camp,
but the restrictions within which we live do not allow us to be outside the
camp. However, the ecclesia continues to meet and to work normally. Our worship
meetings function normally, with a Sunday School. We continue with individual
preaching and feel the need for more literature in French, English and
Portuguese as well as Swahili (brochures, Bibles, etc). As for our Sunday
School, the material we have only deals with the Old Testament. Since the
baptism of Bre Kitego Sunguza, Etoka and Kashindi, other faithful friends are
following the teaching. We continue to work with them and they are still waiting
for baptism. However, we still have not received any letter about the Brothers
in South Africa.
It has been difficult to organise the breaking of bread at times because of a
lack of bread and wine.
Bro Kashindi Ndubula
I am very happy to receive
your letter together with Gospel News, in which I find much to help me to
progress in faith and in understanding of the Word of God. I hope you will be
able to continue to preach the living truth of our Lord, because many souls are
suffering from sin without knowing the truth and the gift which has been freely
given by God. Myself, I did not know of this truth, but through you I have
received it. For God has enlightened you in order to reach me by the Bible,
brochures and Bible Basics which tells about the truth and the grace of
God. In this way, I strengthen my faith in Him who chose me long ago. We
continue to meet together with all the brothers in Christ present in the camp as
well as Godson Mulisho and others who are awaiting baptism. Some believers are
no longer with us. We see the mighty hand of God in spite of the difficult
situation in which we live in the camp; we stand firm in the Lord. Pray for us,
that we may be further strengthened in the faith and encouraged to develop in
our Christadelphian doctrines. God alone gives to each his reward. Go with us
hand-in-hand to attain the Kingdom which has been reserved for us by the Most
Kitego Oredi
The men of the underworld
broke into my house last November and took away my money and other belongings.
They beat me up, wounding my eyes, but thanks be to God for saving my life
through the help of sympathisers who rushed me to the hospital. This I’m writing
as a testimony, asking all Brethren to pray for one another for His perfect
protection and guidance, especially in these evil days. This takes our minds to
2 Tim. 3:1-4 and Gen. 6:5, for violence and corruption have filled the earth.
Remain in Him.
Bro. Goddy Nwosu
Thank the living God who
brought me to the faith, where the word of God is preached without any respect
of man. Please do not relent in sending me literature. Flesh and blood is a
dominating force in all mankind, which started from the garden of Eden. The
woman disobeyed the law and obeyed her lust and both she and the man were
sentenced to death (Gen. 3:6,17-19; Rom 3:23; 6:23). Even the called, Abraham,
played the part of the flesh when he told a lie (Gen. 20:2-11). King David did
the same when he committed adultery with Bath-Sheba, the wife of Uriah and
killed her husband (2 Sam. 12:1-7.). These men are key personalities to our
salvation, for God made covenants with them which brought forth the Messiah.
Unto Abraham the Lord God swore, "In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth
be blessed" (Gen 22:18 [Gal. 3:16]). Unto David the Lord God said, "…I will
stablish the throne of his (David’s seed) kingdom for ever" (2 Sam. 7). When
that promised "seed" of the woman, came into the world, he taught us how we can
conquer the pull of the flesh and gain victory for eternal life (Matt. 4:1-10).
Bro Golden Onuoha
Please forgive me for not
having written you for quite some time now, this stems from the economic
situation that has characterised the governance of our God-given country. To
worsen everything, I lost the little job I was doing to keep body and soul
together since last year. The underlying problems associated with this are
better imagined. What an upheaval to meet the demands nature forces on one. For
the past few months I have not been able to receive letters because of my
inability to pay the rental bill of my postal box.
Bro. Chris M. Anyanwu
It is with joy I write this
letter to you as we see the day of the return of our Lord quickly approaching.
Hoping that you are keeping well. We remember Jesus said (Luke 17:26-30) what
the world would be like before his coming. So with these signs, and many others,
we know that the coming of our Lord cannot be far away. The question for each of
us is, Are we ready for his coming? Ours is a high and holy calling; we are
called to be sons and daughters of the living God and Brothers and Sisters of
Jesus Christ. Furthermore, we are promised a glorious future in the Kingdom
Jesus will set up on the earth very soon, and we want to be in that Kingdom.
Psalm 2 gives us a picture of the Kingdom being given to Jesus by God, his
Father. There will be no soft option for those who rebel. We are told that he
will rule them with a rod of iron. The fact is that we are in the time of the
end; it’s in our own interest that we are faithful stewards now. We all want to
be with our Master, Jesus Christ, in that day, but it all depends on how we live
now. We all need to do our best to live perfectly, and when we stand before the
Judge of all the earth he will welcome us into his Kingdom with joy beyond
measure, with eternal life, to live and reign with him.
Bro. Victor Moon
I really thank God for the
effort you people are making to keep the things of God growing, both in the area
of preaching and in other things. It is quite unfortunate that I have had a
break-down I plead that Brethren remember me in their prayers, praying that God
will bring me back to normality quickly. I wish to use this opportunity to thank
you for the bulk materials of Ibo Bible Basics. I am really happy to have them.
Bro. Lucky Eforibe
Photo: Bro. Lucky
I spent a profitable three
weeks in the Transkei and our team have signed up over 1000 for the
Correspondence Course; we have now covered about 26 towns and have only another
eight to complete the Transkei proper. We still have a long way to go to
complete the Xhosa-speaking areas. We have had a total response of about 1700.
The next challenge is the follow-up! This trip I did 7550km. We now have a
short-list of about 30. I really should be living there to do justice to the
interest. We are hoping to build a meeting room, but are being delayed by forms.
The drought in RSA is bad and in some parts is the worst for 88 years. Many
subsistence farmers in the black areas haven’t been able to plough because it’s
too dry – nor make bricks for that matter. The young ecclesia, started this
year, went through a dip but is now fired-up again. I enclose the Xhosa Bible
Basics done by Zwaiake; it is proving very popular. There is very little in
Xhosa – even in the world generally.
Bro. Norman Durk
Back here in Kempton Park
we are quite happy; the ecclesia is slowly growing in numbers and in spirit and
maturity. We, as an ecclesia, maintain a literature stand on the main street in
Kempton Park near a busy Mall. The response from people is quite encouraging.
One of the major things of this is that it is a permanent feature every Saturday
from 10am to 12 o’clock, so people do start to know us. We have got a number of
students from this. By God’s grace we are hoping to have some fruit from this.
I appreciate your tireless
efforts of preaching and encouraging Sisters and Brothers. It is very
interesting that I get the opportunity to learn of how Brothers and Sisters are
moving to our destination. In fact, it is difficult to put in writing all the
benefits extracted from Gospel News – it would need more paper! I am
eager to read news of my Brothers and Sisters and learning their views on the
way towards the Kingdom of
Bro. Patrick Athanasi
I travelled away from my
region (Kigoma) for a period of four months, but fortunately I found your letter
on my return. It is encouraging to hear that people in Middle East countries
(most being Islamic) have received the true word of our Heavenly Father. I
believer He will always enable Bro. David Jacob and others to spread His word
there. We have started translating pamphlets and other hand-outs into Kiswahili
for ease of reading and understanding.
Bro Alimasi Jacob
I thank you for the
opportunity of becoming a closer member of the family in Christ and feel the
bonds of fellowship world-wide. My mother and father have both gone to rest; my
mother died in October, 2002 and my father in May, 2003, but I am still at
peace, due to the truth that has been planted in my heart. The apostle Paul, in
the epistle to the Galations, shows that his authority was from the Lord Jesus
alone, and that therefore his message was divine. He then insists that salvation
is entirely by grace and not by law-keeping; this cannot give life. God gave the
law to show men their need of a Saviour. Once they accept this, they are
redeemed from the curse of the law, henceforth Christ, and not the law, is their
rule of life. Paul closes by encouraging the saints to live in the enjoyment of
Christian liberty and not to allow themselves to be put under the bondage of the
Bro. Alick Noah
We are highly pleased that
we have now instituted a new ecclesia at Kyela town. The Truth has penetrated
hard into villages like Ipinda, Kanga and Tenende. Kyela town was in total
darkness of the Truth, but we are looking forward to people responding to our
preaching. Kyela ecclesia has three Brothers and one Sister.
Bro. Gasper M.
Photo: Bro Elius
Kanyengela being given a piece of wedding cake.
I would like to thank you
because since you started to post books to me I have got good teaching. We all
need to prepare for the Lord, so that we can enter the Kingdom.
Bro. Sabastian Lusale
Kindly send us additional
copies of Gospel News for our library, which is becoming more and
more popular here, mainly because you have printed news about our ecclesia. As a
result many people are coming to learn Bible truth and about God’s Kingdom. I am
happy to inform you that I have already started construction of another
residential house, after selling my home to pay Government debts last year.
Bro. Raphael M. Mkeya
Thank you for Gospel
News, it is always good to hear from distant Brethren and Sisters and very
encouraging. I look forward to receiving it. Let’s hold fast and be watchful as
we know not the day or the hour of our Lord’s coming.
Bro. Fredrick Misonge
My family and I are very
thankful to you for sending us the English language Bible Course/literature. We
are really trying our best to study, but face a major problem of language. The
English used in the Course material is very advanced for most of us, thus we get
difficulties during study. Also, more people – many of whom understand Kiswahili
language – would join our study group if the Course was available in Kiswahili.
In fact, three quarters of the members of our Bible study group depend on the
few who understand limited English to interpret the Course into Kiswahili, which
is a very hard task, because the Swahili speakers can’t study independently
unless they have interpreters. We therefore have two kind requests to make to
you: firstly, if possible, please send us an English language dictionary, since
the only person who had a dictionary here went to college to study and we can’t
afford to buy one. Secondly, send us the Kiswahili Bible course materials to
help our Brethren and Sisters here.
Bro. Wanea Mkosa
The first edition of
the Kiswahili Bible Basics has been distributed. There is a huge demand for it
and a reprint has now been produced, so further copies will be sent out. Any
help with this project would be most appreciated.
Photo: Bro. Mathias
Nyelele (right) with Bro. Michael Mpandachalo. Sis. Elizabeth Nyelele, child,
and Sis. Elizabeth Michael (after Bible study). Gospel News is in the
sister's hand.
I am very happy to hear
that Bible Basics has been translated into 50 languages and feel many
people who speak those languages will be happy to have it.
Bro. Imani Dimanche
A rebel group known as LRA
(Lord’s Resistance Army) come from a tribe called Acholi people. They began
fighting people, using pangus (swords) as their main weapons. As they continued,
they learnt to use guns and still use them to kill people. Their aim is to kill
civilians, burn houses, steal cows, goats, clothes, food, money. They don’t want
to take over government or even to fight with Government soldiers, but they are
after civilians; they are just robbers and killers. Their activities affect
Northern Uganda only and that is the very place we live. Now people
are in camps everywhere with no proper food or shelter, clean water etc. Some
people rent houses. This situation causes many diseases. I am just happy that
many people are crying to God for help, so we are able to preach the word of God
every Sunday morning to those who are in camps. In the evening we preach the
Gospel news of Jesus Christ and God’s Kingdom. So I have learnt that sufferings
bring us near to God; it is a good lesson for us all when we have sufferings
(Heb. 12:5-11). Thank you again for your help in spreading the gospel news of
Jesus Christ and God’s Kingdom all over the world through the Magazine and
Bro. Opio Bosco
Many people feel that
provided they change their life for the better there is no need to submit to
baptism. How wrong they are; how ineffective all their efforts to do right.
Consider the case of Naaman the Syrian (2 Kings 5). Elisha the prophet, a man of
God, told him to wash in the river Jordan to cure his leprosy. At first he
refused, but when his servant persuaded him to obey this specific detail given
by God, he was cured at once. If we obey the word of God as closely as we can,
we, too, can be cured and start afresh. But we may wonder about subsequent
mistakes and sins, that is, those committed after baptism. As we know, by
baptism we are associated with the death of Jesus Christ, and this event was a
once-and-for-all sacrifice for sin, and those things which we do wrong in our
new life in Christ are forgiven by prayer through our new-found Saviour. When we
repent and ask for God’s forgiveness, all our sins and errors are blotted out
from the record and therefore we can go forward daily confident that, if we try
to do right, God has promised to mercifully forgive us. God has offered us this
wonderful opportunity through His word. Do we yet feel the need to start our
life again? With our experience of the mistakes we have made and the desire to
erase some of the dark patches of our previous life, here is a unique
opportunity to start again – not this time on a life that leads to the grave,
but on the road to immortality and the glorious Kingdom of God. God’s way is the
only way by which we can be reconciled to Him. This is the importance of
baptism. It is an essential act of obedience, an essential part of God’s way of
Bro. Colin Bwire
Photo: Bro. Colin Bwire
I wish to extend my sincere
thanks to Sis. Janet Shemeld for her wonderful efforts which helped me find the
truth through sending the Bible lessons. I was baptised in the Name of our Lord
on June 21, 2003, by Bro. Godwin Mugasi of Mbarara. I have continued to receive
Glad Tidings and Gospel News and am still continuing with Bible
studies. The preaching work is progressing steadily. We now have over 100
contacts – students taking either the 40-Lesson course or Bible Basics
Introductory Course. Please send me more copies of Bible Basics and any
book to help me in preparing public talks. I keep moving to help the contacts
and teaching them what God really wants from us, although this task is not easy
– going without food, walking long distances etc. I request fellow Brothers and
Sisters to remember me and keep praying for this work.
Bro. Baluku Nicodemus
Photo: Bro. Baluku
A believer’s life is
joyful, as an expression of obedience to God’s call and such obedience, followed
by walking and living according to God’s principles, yields salvation. I am
pleased with the work being carried out to redeem people all over the world, and
especially in Uganda. The glorious message of the word has reached, and is
reaching, many parts of the world. God is calling believers to arise and do
exploits for Him (Luke 10:2), therefore as co-labourers we have a great task
before us to sow God’s word generously to help rescue people and set the
captives free.
A Brother
Sister Jane, my wife, and
Sis. Savana, my daughter, join hands in sending greetings to everyone. We are
very much lacking Bible Basics. We are going ahead with the translation
of Bible Basics in our indigenous language (Runyankore) for our
non-English-speaking converts. Endeavour always to write to me as I feel
bothered when time goes without hearing from you.
Bro. Godwin Mugasi
I thank God for the work
you do in sending Gospel News which encourages us in reading the Bible.
We must encourage each other and pray for everyone (read Lam. 3:25-26; Luke
15:10). Jesus said we are his friends if we do whatever he commands (John
Hariet Wekeye
Photo: Mt. Elgon Sunday
Update on our
brothers in Uganda who are refugees in their own country after being driven from
their homes by the Lord's Resistance Army. The BBC has recently shown horrific
scenes of carnage caused by the LRA.
The brothers are very
thankful for the help that we have been able to send to them, they were safe at
the end of February and we pray that they still are. The brothers wrote:
"Thank God we are
still alive up to now. We would like to express our appreciation to you for the
assistance of money you gave us by bro Kevin and Paul (Paul Boyd and Kevin
Rawlings saw the brothers during their visit in
October 2003) . We
pray that God may bless you… We also are very thankful for the welfare you are
doing. The rebel activities is still going on. No means of going back to our
farm lands until the rebel leader Joseph Kony is arrested or dead. He is
fighting civilians but not the Government that is why he is in control of the
villages hunting to kill innocent people like wild animals in the bush. And all
people must stay in camps without digging. On the 4th Feb 2004 they
attacked and kill many peoples living in Abia Camps, Apala sub city, 20 miles
north of Dokolo and was reported on BBC radio, we think you might have heard.
And many which are not reported. So we are like orphans and homeless wanderers,
without farm land. We are not able to get food, soap, salt, clothings, pay
school fees for our children in Secondary Schools, taking patients to be treated
in clinics. Many of our relatives have died by rebels and diseases. We really
praise God for joining us to you instead many of us would have died. Because of
you we are able to buy food, soup, salt and take our children to clinics for
We have been able to
get sufficient help through to our brothers and we have encouraged them to be
sparing with the resources that we have been able to get through. God has helped
them to stay faithful and they have been responsible with the money we have
sent. They continue by writing:
February we came back from Lira (where they had been staying) to Dokolo Township
Camp because of lack of water and firewood and because the rent for houses is
very expensive and also because transport from Lira to Kaberamaido Post Office
is very high (Kaberamaido is where they actually lived - they travel back here
during the day to get any post). So we are now living in Dokolo camp."
The brothers have
asked if we can again assist them, this we will try to do. They also need our
prayers, for strength, for safety and that they will be able to return to their
homes. We (John and Sue Mathias) are hoping, God willing to see them at the
Bible School in April, so please also pray that they can travel safely to see
The brothers conclude
their letter by writing:
"Thank you for your
Spiritual exhortations. What we are doing is reading the Bible and prayer. Our
main prayer is that Jesus coming back should be soon to release us from this
suffering which is a very strange war, even to the life of our grandfathers. Now
during this dry season, the fire is burning night and day through. And all grass
house are burnt (rebels burnt the villages). So pray for us without ceasing. We
hope to hear from you. In love bros Selestino, Bosco and Tom."
John and Sue Mathias
I received six Bible Basics
printed in English and I have distributed them to my Brothers and Sisters, and
we say thanks a lot for them. There are some books that I see from my Brothers
who are in other ecclesias, but we do not have them in our ecclesia’s library.
Please, we would like you to send us books for use in our library.
Bro. Pinoty Chimbele
August, 2003. Four baptisms
in Mandona’s village in Lubu River (interviewed by Bro. Glen Mitchell), now our
Brothers: Edwin Mfule, Charles Kangwa, Jimmy Katongo, and Joel Mutale. Please
send them copies of Gospel News (in total, six copies of GN are required.)
Bro. Ignatius
"Let down the nets", based
on Luke ch. 5. I feel there is something to learn considering the way Jesus and
the fishermen became friends. It is simply teaching us to spend more time with
God more than anything else in the world if we are to prosper in everything that
we do. But again, we must bring more lost sheep to light in our various fields.
I am trying to imagine how Simon Peter and the others responded when Jesus came
by and started teaching the crowd from the boat. What we have to bear in mind is
that they had worked hard all night and had caught nothing and here comes Jesus
and the crowd. If I put myself in Simon Peter’s shoes I would likely have been
rather irritated: Who is this man; he just walks here spreading the message.
Shouldn’t he be where he ought to be – in a church – forgetting that the word of
God is to be spoken and freely shared wherever people meet. May Almighty God
continue to richly bless your work as you try to spread the gospel. I can only
thank you for all that you do, but God will give you a perfect reward.
Bro. Lapulani Malata
Whilst stressing the need
for persistence in prayer, Jesus narrated a parable (read Luke 18:2-8). Are we
among those seeking to be avenged of an adversary? There is a way out. Hebrews
4:16 says, "Come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and
find grace to help in time of need." Obviously this is the time of need. Our
much-needed help and succour is at the place of prayer – let us go there now.
Bro. Lotson Kayuni
We are glad to have this
wonderful chance of writing to you. Here in Kasama we have a long list of Bible
students who need to be visited by us. Some of them stay in very remote areas
and feel neglected if they are not visited. The problem is that some areas do
not have roads that can be used by vehicles. We are arranging for a fraternal
gathering with our Brethren and Sisters in Chinsali, God willing. The number of
our Sunday School youngsters is increasing, for which we are very thankful to
our Heavenly Father and to their parents for allowing them to join with us.
Bro. Joshua Muchili
Photo: Right to left:
Bre. Willis Simbowe, Nelson Bwalya and Joshua Muchili
We lack Sunday School
teaching material here which is a big problem for us. The translating issue is
also very important because some aspiring students of the Bible are Memba
speakers and are missing most of the good news published in English.
Kasama Ecclesia
I thank you, in the
Master’s Name, for the literature sent to me. Continue sending to me; I need
them because they are so educative and informative. Is it possible for you to
assist me with the Concise Oxford Dictionary? Even an old one. I also received a
book entitled, ‘Why Are We Here?’
Bro. James M. Kanbobe
I am sending you an
application form for a student who wants to know the truth. I still have three
copies of Bible Basics in French. God willing, I am planning to go to
Congo, to a town near the border called Sakania, I will use my bicycle. God
willing, it may be that He will open a door for the spreading of His word.
Bro. Robert M. Muwele
I love to travel to meet my
family in Christ, I spent some days in Mzimba, Malawi. I only wish I could be
there in UK to meet you all; I feel I know many of you already, but if the Lord
wills it we will meet in his Kingdom.
Bro. John R. Chulu
I would like to do
journalism and work at Radio Christian Voice, but some people are not with me on
this, some with very good reasons. I really want to know what your thoughts are.
I would very much like to play gospel music and preach to a lot of people
through the media. We formed the Youth League in September, but the attendance
is terribly poor; at first it was between six and 13, but lately it’s between
three and six. I prepare the Bible quiz and something for our ‘Health Corner’
and come up with topics for general discussion – it’s quite a task. Other
activities include drama, games, choir, poems, but with that poor attendance all
we do are the Bible readings and singing – and sweeping the hall. For nine weeks
last year we were with Silas from Mufulira. However, he mentioned some problems
the Youth League is facing there, which are exactly what we are facing. We can
just pray and trust in God and His Son to help us in situations like these.
Sis. Bevelyn Tembo
I am a nephew to Bro.
Herbert Tigerepasi and Sis. Luna is my aunt. I have been a Brother since 2000
and I am the one who sleeps at our ecclesial hall here in Lusaka since it was
Bro. Ephraim Mwamje
Thank you for Gospel
News and your letter. It’s wonderful to hear how the truth is being spread
far and wide. I pray for God’s increase and blessings. I am 29 and have been a
Christadelphian for about eight years now and I would love to continue feeding
on God’s truth and increase my knowledge of Him.
Bro. Paul Chembe
I could have written
before, but had to go to the farm where Dad and Mum wanted me to go. I spent a
week there, came back for the Sunday service and the following Monday I had to
go back to the farm. Again, I stayed for another six days and came back, and
that is when the malaria started. The weather is not the same – the water there
is not chlorinated (purified) in any way – straight from the well into the cup
and you drink. Also, mosquitoes hit me badly. I am always praying for you and
those involved in producing Gospel News. May the Lord always be your
Guide, day after day, until His set day. I was very pleased to see the article
in Gospel News entitled, ‘Doing Good’, which Sis. Bervelyn and I wrote.
Not only that, there were (are) a lot of other articles which I enjoyed reading
like the Christmas issue and the Pre-existence of Jesus. You are doing a
tremendous job and I pray that the Lord will keep blessing you every passing day
until His appointed time. Even so, come Lord soon!
Bro. Silas K.
Thank you all for the good
work you are doing in Christ. No one will remove us away from God our Father
(Rom. 8:37). God is love (read Ex. 34:5-7). May our Lord open the way
for you so that you may still go on to preach the gospel. "How shall they hear
without a preacher? How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of
peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!" (Rom.
Bro. Charles Daka
I am the third born
daughter of Bro. Zacchaeus and Sis. Eunice Muntete of Nakonde and was baptised
in August 2001. I was really overwhelmed with joy to be born into this wonderful
family of God. My hope and prayer is that our merciful Father will lead us all
into His Kingdom. I have enjoyed reading articles by my Brethren and Sisters all
over the world. It is amazing to see the way the true gospel is reaching ‘dark’
places – i.e. the Arab world – where people have been denied the opportunity of
hearing the word of Life; indeed, nothing is impossible with God. "And this
gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all
nations, and then the end will come" (Matt. 24:14). May Jesus come soon to
reward all those who love his appearing.
Sis. Esther Muntete
I am out of profitable
employment. I used to work as a financial accountant. I have a problem with my
mitral valve, making the heart unable to carry out its functions properly. I am
thus unable to walk over 50 metres; since 2002 I am confined to my yard. I wish
to tell Brethren and Sisters around the globe about my state of health so that
they can remember me in their prayers. May our walk to the Kingdom be shortened
by the return of our Lord.
Bro. Chisela Mwaba
I lost my blood sister,
called Orpa Mwanza, last year. May our Lord Jesus soon come, when he will judge
this world in righteousness and when there will be no more death nor poverty and
God’s will shall be done on earth as it is done in heaven. It is only the fool
that says in his heart, There is no God (Ps. 53:1). May God bless you for the
wonderful work you are doing.
Bro. James Mwanza
I have a friend who wanted
to know more on the issue of the Holy Spirit. One question he asked is, If the
Holy Spirit has been withdrawn, how could it have been left with us? You can
send me any material on this subject. Muzoka is a small township; even our
nearest Post Office is some 15km away and we are in between two bigger towns –
Choma and Monze – about 45km both ways. I was happy to receive some book marks
from the Brothers/Sisters in New Zealand. I am enclosing a photo taken during my
graduation ceremony last December.
Bro. Wilfred Chibomba
I wish to thank the
Brothers and Sisters in New Zealand for the hand-made book marks they sent via
Bro. Marcus. I also thank you for other booklets and for the love shown. I know
we have lost some beloved Brothers and Sisters from our ‘family’ in 2003. The
Almighty God has been merciful to us, so that we can make up what is lacking in
ourselves so that we can enter the Kingdom of God. I strongly urge my Brothers
and Sisters that we should shed more light on those outside our Christadelphian
family so that they become part of it. Although we are isolated from each other,
we are together in prayers.
Bro. Joseph Kapimpa
We read in the letter to
the Ephesians that husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who
loves his wife loves himself. No one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and
cares for it, just as Christ does the church. For we are members of his body. So
this is our example and we have become the body of Christ through baptism. Gen.
2:22-24 tells us that the Lord God made a woman from the rib He had taken from
man, and he said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall
be called Woman, for she was taken our of man. For this reason a man will leave
his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they shall be one flesh. We
have become Christ’s ‘bride’ through his death (Adam’s sleep) and his wonderful
Bro. Fibion Ngozi
Thanks once more for the
leaflets etc. so that I can communicate with you. Things are very difficult in
our country these days. I could hardly afford to purchase the postage, since I
am out of employment. Quoting from our Master in Matt. 24:9, we are prepared to
be murdered for the sake of our Lord’s Name, as is happening in some countries,
but perhaps this is just "the beginning of sorrows" (v. 8). Thanks for
everything and much love in our Master’s Name.
Bro. David Yelulani
The good Lord continues to
bless our numbers. Please join us in rejoicing in the baptism of three more
babes into Christ last November 15, they are: BAUTIE MBEWE, GOMBA P. BANDARI and
TOFARA GIBSON. We have met to join those of our numbers near and far in the act
of remembering our Lord’s sacrifice by partaking of the emblems. We are
overjoyed by our increase and hope our Lord will continue to bless us all so
that we preach the Good News of the promised Kingdom, which binds us together,
even though we are separated. Let us all strive hard and toil in the Lord’s
vineyard and at the appointed time the Almighty will definitely give us our
Bro. Itai P. Tembo
Thank you very much for the
Bible Basics which are of great use as I have so many students who needed
them; that was wonderful. The situation in our country is not good, but we hope
God will intervene and restore peace to His children and destroy hunger and
poverty. God says in Hosea 11:1-2, "When Israel was a child, I loved him, and
out of Egypt I called my Son. But the more I called Israel,
the further they went from me". Our Father in heaven loves and cares for us, but
we let Him down by running to the things of the earth. A man was a servant of
the Lord and living in poverty. God heard his prayers and he became a rich man.
He turned away from God and thought it was better to enjoy his money; he could
not be found reading Gospel News nor praying, but he enjoyed his money;
"When I fed them, they were satisfied; when they were satisfied, they became
proud, then they forgot me.
Bro. Farai Phiri
Photo: Bro. Farai
Phiri with the carvings he made at Africraft, which are sold to help Brethren
and Sisters.
I would like to thank you
all for Gospel News; it is a magazine full of enco uragement,
testimonies, preaching and all good news from the Bible; I thank all who
contribute to it. I would also like to thank Sis. Ruth Owen for the book she
sent me; I did not write to her due to unaffordable postage prices. I would like
to know much about the nation of Israel – ancient and modern times – if you have
books and maps about it. As we await the coming Kingdom, let us always think
about Jesus Christ who died on the cross so that we might be saved.
Bro. Moses Ajiweka
I am sorry to hear of a
Brother from Uganda
who is experiencing a very gruelling life with his mother, the problem being
that of religion. In most cases the tension usually occurs when one finds the
real truth about the Kingdom of God. I know it’s hard to keep going when life
keeps throwing us curves. I have a few words of encouragement to all in such a
situation. As part of the Christadelphian family, we might think that we have
made a mistake. We must always give ourselves fully to the work of the Lord,
because we know that our labour in the Lord is not in vain (1 Cor. 15:58). We
must devote ourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful, as other religions
depend on human tradition rather than on Christ (Col. 2:8). We must set our hope
on the Lord so that he will deliver us from such hardships. We must endeavour to
instruct those who oppose us, in the hope that God will grant them repentance
leading them to a knowledge of the truth (2 Tim. 2:24-26).
Bro. Tarirai Raphael
I travelled to Rimbi and
met with Bro Moses Dhlakama there. We talked about many issues regarding our
ecclesias in Zimbabwe.
In the evening we had a Bible talk from Bro. Moses based on Babylon (Iraq): that
the garden of Eden was in Iraq (Gen. 2:14) He also took a quotation from Rev.
14:8, "Babylon is fallen" – applying to both literal and spiritual
Bible Class was on four themes from Paul’s 2nd letter to Timothy: (1)
my beloved son (2) sound in the faith (3) in season and out of season (4) hard
times. After the Class, Bro. Moses showed me a project at Rimbi being funded by
Meal-a-Day fund. I then left for Mutema, and met Bro. Patrick. Bro. Patrick
arranged a meeting at Tangan; we met two Brothers and one Sister. The next
Sunday Bro. Patrick and I went to Mutema and started with Bible study from 9am
to 11.30am, which was well attended. After that we had our Sunday service.
Bro. Dzinga Sumburera
I give my thanks to God who
has been my Guide during my 13 years working in Harare. Now I am leaving Harare
as my employers are leaving for Ireland. I am going to accompany my wife in
isolation at Nyanga. The isolation will be only for the flesh, but in spirit we
will be together. We always remember each other in prayers and writing as Paul
did, "I always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in my prayers. We
continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your
labour prompted by love and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus
Christ" (1 Thess. 1:2-3). May the love of Christ be with the Kawara family who
were very supportive of me during my 13 years in Harare.
Bro. Israel Mutunduwe
May God bless you all who
do His work. I also take this opportunity to thank Bro. Fred and Sis. Nancy
Milburn for bringing the truth to us. We were in darkness, as we thought we went
to heaven when we die. We thank you also for sharing with us what you know.
Sis. Lassie
I am 17 years old and
attend the Breaking of Bread service at Masvingo Rural ecclesia every Sunday. I
have read Bible Basics and it really helped me, most especially where I
was in doubt.
Simon Mudavose
Letter from Bro Davison Mupariwa
Isolation member in Chishuma Magunje, Zimbabwe
Thank you a lot for
sending me Gospel News. It’s helping very much to improve my Bible
studies and also to learn how my brothers and sisters around the world are
living and what they think and know concerning the coming Kingdom of God which
Jesus Christ is coming soon to set up on this earth. Sadly, I would like to
comfort brothers and sisters who are in trouble for the truth in the Bible.
Don’t worry too much, brothers and sisters, Jesus is coming very soon to wipe
away your tears. Jesus is going to be King of Kings and Lord or Lords. We shall
all be happy in this Kingdom.
May I take this
oppertunity to thank Brother A.D. Liwawa of Malawi in his exhortation on false
prophets which was in the Nov/Dec 2003 Gospel News. It touched me a lot
because I am surrounded by a lot of these prophets here. I was a hard nut to
crack. I have Jesus as my prophet who is at the right hand of God pleading the
case of his true believers. Keep on teaching, my brother. May you write me a
letter with more teachings on that.
I am now struggling in
Chipapa, with a place beside Elephant Walk Hotel along Kariba Road. I am doing a
lot of work here to clear the place of scrub to make a good field. If possible I
would like help to buy good maize
seed and fertilisers to give
me a start to become independent.
It is very hard to
attend Sunday services in Chishumba/Magunje every Sunday because of bus fares. I
would like to thank Bro. K Smith of South Africa for sending me exhortation