?It Is Not Good For Man To Be Alone? ~ Genesis 2:18
We notice in Genesis 1:20-22 that sea and land creatures were created in such a way that they could associate and reproduce immediately, but not man. It seems that God gave a gap after creating the man. That is why I wish to revisit the statement, It is not good that man should be alone.
The first man needed an associate, someone with whom he could converse with, and helping each other, so that they became one, the phrase is an help meet for him . So originally it appears the woman was to share equal association with the man with no subordination. After their transgression, we see a new order from God, making the man to rule over the woman, during their difficult life (Gen 3:16).
We know that this innocent fellowship did not last, sin and death entered. In this relationship we see a possible type. The man stood for Christ, the woman for the ecclesia. As the man had to be in a deep sleep to beget the woman, so Christ in his death and resurrection begets the ecclesia. The similarities are many. God said that the man should rule over the woman, pointing to the time when we, the ecclesia, see Christ as our husband, and our master. For he is the firstfruit, just as Adam was, the gap taken to create the woman is symbolic of this present age since Christ was raised from the dead.
Our marriages are literal but they are also symbolic. The idea that the man and the woman come together to form one flesh cleave is a symbol pointing to a time when we - the ecclesia (bride), shall cleave in marriage with Christ (bridegroom) (Revelation 19:7-9). In baptism, we lose our personality and put on Christ, as married women put on their husbands names.
Bro Bua Moses Nchia (Beua-Tole, Cameroon)