Sharing in God’s Holiness
God, our Heavenly Father, disciplines us for our good so that we may share in His holiness. Of course, no discipline seems pleasant at the time that God is disciplining them, and it is painful. Later on (it may not be soon), however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
Our human fathers disciplined us, and continue to discipline their children, and we respect them for it. How much more then should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live? Let us therefore endure hardship as discipline because our Heavenly Father is training us as sons. If you are not disciplined, then you are illegitimate children because you are not God’s true sons. Every true son of God undergoes discipline. God trains us.
God our Father wants us to be strong spiritually and endure hardship. That is to have faith with substance in what we believe. The reality we see by eyes of faith not by our natural eyes. Sight has nothing much but faith has. It is faith that counts.
The real enemy should not be what we see with our eyes but what we manufacture in our hearts. The problem is that what we think in our hearts makes us act, our thoughts motivate us to act good or bad. Whatever we do, whether in secret or not, a believer knows they are being watched, for the angels are ministering spirits sent to serve those who are to inherit salvation. So let us pay more attention to what we hear or read from the Bible so that we do not drift away from the truth.
We must then love one another. This love is not saying to one another, ‘Brother, I love you’ or, ‘Sister, I love you’, but the love the Bible teaches us about; obedience to Christ’s commands and striving to lead a holy life, and when we fail we must be humble and confess our failures.
God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him but we walk in darkness (sinful activities and conversations), we are not living the truth.
We must strive to walk in light because He is light and in this way we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ His son purifies us from all sin (all sin, not just one that we have committed, but all sin). Hiding sin is not right at all.
Brothers and sisters, God Himself will give us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ, only let us stand firm. Nothing should move us away from the Lord even if we are shunned by all because of illness, poverty, or hunger. Let us always give ourselves fully to the work of the Lord because we must know that our labour in the Lord is not in vain. We must not seek praise from men, not even praise from our brother and sister for personal gratification but let us give all glory and praise to God our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ His son. So let us be holy.
Bro Reuben Kaambeu (Kabompo, Zambia)