Seven Links to Christ

(1) LOOKING AT CHRIST is to realise our sinfulness, as did Peter: (Luke 5:8; Rom 7:18-25) our need for forgiveness of sin (Heb 12:1). We strip off our sin and have our eyes fixed on Jesus as our Saviour from sin (John 1:29) and as our Lord and Master (Col 3:22).

(2) LEANING ON CHRIST it is trusting Christ for everything, in old age, times of depression, against ravages of war, safe and secure from all alarms, leaning on the everlasting arms, resting on the only foundation (1 Cor 3:11).

(3) LISTENING TO CHRIST is learning of Christ for daily direction and guidance (2 Tim 2:15; Ps 119:105).

(4) LOVING LIKE CHRIST walking in love (Eph 5:2) and leading lives of love, and having the compassion of Christ for others (John 13:34,35).

(5) LIVING AS CHRIST John tells us that he who calls himself a Christian “ought to be living as Christ lived” (1 John 2:6). Christ must be our example in humility, in self denial, in helping each other, in suffering wrongfully, in serving each other (Phil 2:5-8; Rom 15:2; 1 John 3:14-17; 1 Peter 2:21-23; John 13:15).

(6) LABOURING WITH CHRIST Everything we do should be done with enthusiasm as unto the Lord. Much spiritual barrenness is due to spiritual laziness.

(7) LONGING FOR CHRIST We are waiting for Christ. He is coming soon; but while we are waiting we must be working not sleeping (Phil 3:20; 1 Thes 4:11; 1 Cor 4:12; Eph 4:28).

Bro Sibangi Maka (Zuishavane, Zimbabwe)

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