One of the Causes of Human Failure - “this one thing I do” Philippians 3:13
It is easy to make excuses for our failures and to blame our heritage, lack of opportunity, difficulties and other things, but other people with similar disadvantages have triumphed over them. Why should some people fail while others succeed?
On closer examination, in many cases the person who failed never really expected to succeed. He lacked the inspiration that comes from possessing a single objective. To see our worthy goal, and to keep that vision clear and bright, even in moments of doubt and discouragement, enables us to break through to success. If we vacillate and keep changing our ultimate objective, the power of inspiration can never be fully released into our life and affairs.
We cannot succeed without a goal in our life. The goal is not easily realized, and for a time it may seem as if we cannot find our true vocation for we move from one thing to another. This is understandable, even excusable, if we realize that our aim in life is to find our true goal. When we feel we have found our vocation, hold fast and pray for the grace of perseverance. Too many people are quick to surrender their visions at the first breath of opposition. I refuse to allow past failure or dilatoriness to rob me of my spiritual progress and power. Keep a clear vision of your goal, work towards it and it will become a reality.
Bro Stanford Khuuza (Magungi, Zimbabwe)