The Influence of the Cross

Christ’s crucifixion on the cross paved the way for us to share an eternal inheritance with him, for he died for us. Christ redeemed us so that the blessings of Abraham might come to us (Galatians 3:13-14). The cross can be described in several ways. It can describe profoundly how we should totally deny sin and always strive to obey our Lord’s commandments until he comes (Matthew 16:24). In so doing, we are figuratively crucifying the world (sin) on the cross.

Paul, self-confessed chief sinner, boasted in his new freedom in Jesus Christ who freed him from the law of sin and death. Christ nailed it on the cross. Paul lost confidence in the flesh which yields corruption and he became its enemy, (Galatians 6:14).

Anyone hanged on the cross had been condemned to death, but death had no power to hold Christ in the grave for ever because he was righteous. Christ’s crucifixion was prophesied in Numbers 21:4-9; he would be lifted up on the cross, and everyone bitten by the serpent (sin), who looks up to him would have the opportunity of being saved. Some men like Nicodemus believed that Jesus really was the son of God. The crucifixion was a grand climax, which brought us to be reconciled with God. The cross of Christ is the power of God for those who are being saved because they bear the marks of Jesus Christ and lead a life of self-denial.

Beloved brothers and sisters let us identify ourselves with Paul’s description in his new life in a world that perishes in ignorance and foolishness. Let the cross of Christ exert a really powerful influence for change in our lives.

Bro Jaxon Kalumba (Lusaka, Zambia)

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