It began early July, with the ministry of Bro. Ted and Sis. Dolores Sleeper at the annual Fraternal Gathering held at the new Mocha Hall and is still in animation after the Triennial Caribbean Camp, with the extended stay of a few Jamaican camp leaders and Bro. Andy Bradshaw of Manchester-Sale ecclesia in U.K.
Bro. Andy is no stranger to Guyana, and especially New Amsterdam ecclesia, this being his sixth visit. He is continuing pastoral work this season, began by Bro. Wesley Butler of Vancouver ecclesia, B.C. and Bro. Clive and Sis. Christine Drepaul of N.Y.
In New Amsterdam there was also some preaching activities engineered by Bro Joe and Sis. Veronica Badlu of N.Y., in the form of a 5-day Gospel Proclamation followed by a 3-week Seminar. The members and CYC’ers of New Amsterdam ecclesia, and a few members from Kilcoy ecclesia gave encouraging support.
There was also a 2-week Vacation Bible School at New Amsterdam ecclesia, led By bro. Wesley. The CYC’ers and Sunday School scholars were in attendance.
Besides ministering at New Amsterdam and Kilcoy ecclesias, the visiting brothers and sisters were able to meet at Plegt Anker (the third Berbice ecclesia), and all three Demerara ecclesias.
It was wonderful to have the support of the Demerara ecclesias (Georgetown, Eccles and Mocha) for the Breaking of Bread meeting at the camp site, Kuru-Kuru Training Center, to usher in the 11th Triennial Caribbean Youth Camp which attracted over 150 campers: Guyana, Barbados, Trinidad, Tobago and Jamaica, to be uplifted by two timely series of classes: “Nehemiah – A Man For All Seasons” (Bro. Tyrone Smartt); “Hide Thy Face From My sin” (Bro. Gideon Drepaul).
After the camp, Bre. James and Danny of Spanish Town, and bre. Davion and Garfield of Kingston, Jamaica ecclesias, remained in Guyana and continued ministration.
One of the highlights of our visit was meeting with three senior members, whose combined ages average 90+, with frail physical body but amazing mental faculty. Sis. Amy Washington, 103 years old, tops the list; Bro. Vernon Yearwood and Bro. Eric Joseph are the other two seniors. Sis. Amy referred to pleasant events with Georgetown members dating back almost 50 years; Bro. Vernon offered a closing prayer at the Breaking of Bread in his Vryheid home, which included most of the faithful Bible characters; Bro Eric, at the Mocha meeting was amazingly coherent in his prayer for the emblem.
Bro. Clive Drepaul. (Brooklyn USA)