Carelinks Reports

Brother Alexei was a member of the underground church in Russia during the Communist years, and was baptized by us into the true Christ in the early ‘90s. Since then he has tried to contact as many people as he can with whom he associated in those years, and sought to persuade them of the truths of Scripture and to be properly baptized into Jesus, sending Bible Basics all over Russia and making very long journeys to discuss with individuals. One such woman is NADEZHDA, who had been searching for water baptism for a long time. Alexei and his very sick wife sis Vera travelled a long way to be present at the baptism. Here they are arriving after 2 days of travel, during which Vera suffered epileptic fits.

Alexei led the service, which was held in a quiet spot by the Kuban river. They said the service, standing up reading the Bible in a forest with women wearing head coverings, reminded them very strongly of how they used to worship in the underground church. They commented on their deep gratitude for now having the Bible's message clear in their minds; sister Nadezhda observed that they had worshipped God in sincerity, but now in sincerity and in truth. They also all commented how grateful they are for having copies of Bible Basics and other literature in Russian, and also copies of the regular magazine Zvezda which keeps the far flung community in Russia in contact with each other. Printing and posting this material is significantly expensive; only your donations enable it to happen.
Despite being in her 60’s, Nadezhda works 24-hour shifts for low pay, and has a difficult domestic situation. Spare thought and prayer for our sister, and others locked into such abusive situations. She came straight from night shift, but although tired was absolutely thrilled to be baptized, and was quite overcome with emotion afterwards.


Photos: The baptism service; the baptism; our new sister with Alexei and Vera with Bible Basics and Zvezda magazine

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