Have You Learned to Be Content (Phil 4:11)
To be content is one of the greatest blessings anyone can enjoy. Many people live from the cradle to the grave without ever knowing true contentment. They are envious of the abundance of things other people possess. They are jealous of other people’s achievements. They make themselves unhappy because they want more of this, that or the other. They complain about their health, they gripe about the government, they bemoan their bad luck. However difficult your position is, they can always cap your story by going one worse.
However bad your health, however many mistakes you have made that caused your problems, however badly things have turned out, you can still know contentment. Paul was in prison when he wrote the words of the title of this article, and he spoke about peace whilst he was imprisoned. He had learnt that it is not your circumstances that cause you peace or unhappiness, i t is what you make of them.
The secret of contentment for a Christian consists of three things. Firstly, be grateful for the past, for all that God has done and given. Secondly, be trustful with regard to the present, by finding God in it. Thirdly, be hopeful about the future, believing that God will bring to pass His kingdom and His purposes, both for you and His world.
Bro David Yelulani (Banket, Zimbabwe)