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We've been corresponding for a while with DANIELLE, a New Zealand Maori woman in prison in Japan who providentially got a copy of Introducing Bible Basics in prison, mailed us answers to the 120 questions, and then did Bible Basics and mailed us another 100 or so answers to those questions - and then passionately desired to be baptized, and has engaged in the most profoundly spiritual correspondence with sis Helen Pyper of Carelinks New Zealand.

All our prayer requests for this situation have been answered!

You can see Danielle's answers to the Bible Basics questions at:

But visiting Danielle was humanly speaking impossible, she is only allowed visits by blood relatives - nobody else. So it was with prayer and faith that we began to request special grace for this visit. After much contact, permission was finally granted. We had an email stating that the visit had been agreed for December 12th. So we went there and did it. Please spare a moment to just praise our Father and His Son for enabling Danielle's baptism. Really it was THEIR work, and they worked extensively to bring a wonderful woman to themselves. She was in tears most of the way through, we of course have no photos from within the prison, but the record is with God. She prays daily her family in New Zealand can be baptized, hopefully the Pypers and others will be in touch with them soon. She is really unusually deep in her grasp of both the doctrines of the Truth and also of the real essence of the spirit of Christ. She is a Kingdom person, very much so. She is in a cell with 8 other women so she now has an audience to preach to - women from all over the world. She is really a wonderful sister. All was worth it. Thanks so much again for your prayers without which this unusual situation wouldn't have unfolded as it did. Please do take a moment right now to pray for our sister, and to thank God for His grace.

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