It’s Your Attitude That Counts

The apostle Peter wrote that Christians should be ‘clothed with humility’. Indeed, humility is a familiar theme throughout the Bible. It is a quality of godly character that is absolutely essential to fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives.

Jesus told his disciples, “By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). As love is the hallmark of a true Christian, so pride and arrogance are the enemies of a godly nature. Love cannot grow in the hostile soil of conceit.

Jesus Christ himself was perfect and sinless, yet he was willing to give himself for us. He was willing to be lied about, hated, despised, spat upon and tortured. Because he and the Father loved us. He did all this, not in a spirit of superiority, though he was certainly superior, but in humility. He was willing to suffer even though we were all sinners. Even though humans were behaving selfishly, arrogantly, foolishly and hatefully, he was willing to suffer for us that we ultimately might be able to change. In so doing, he showed us how we are to think and live with others.

God has called true Christians to a new and living way. The truth of His revealed written word, is truth that must be put into practice. It is not to be just knowledge alone, but applied knowledge. It is one thing for us to know and understand the wonderful truth of God’s word. But God requires that we use that knowledge, that we live by it. And humility forms the basis for making that precious knowledge come to life.

We are told in James 4:6 that “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble”. A proud attitude prevents one from receiving the grace of God. The reason is a simple one.; a proud attitude cannot be a repentant one. It sees itself as already right, as having no special need for the mercy of God. Because it sees itself as superior to others, it does not condescend to the humility necessary to admit error or confess guilt, therefore it sees no need to change. It sees others as inferior and therefore the needs of others as less important.

Consequently, it treats others with a certain degree of contempt. It sees no need to sacrifice its own desires or wants for the good of another. The attitude that enables one to receive the grace of God, on the other hand, is one of humility. The humble spirit is able to honestly see itself and recognize its need for the mercy of God. It does not view itself as superior to others, but rather, is concerned with how it helps make the way easier for others. People with this attitude, like Jesus, are not afraid to sacrifice their own desires for the ultimate good of another. And this attitude is willing to go before the throne of God to ask for mercy and forgiveness it knows it needs.

Indeed, the humility that comes from the love that abides in a true Christian is no mere platitude, no cliché, it is a way of life. It is a way of living and thinking that changes lives. It is not the way of the crowd, and it is not an easy way. It is a way of personal humility that requires a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice, God’s way is the way that cares.

Bro David Banda Yelulani (Banket, Zimbabwe)

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