Finding The Way
What is needed perhaps is to get most of our goals set and achieved despite confrontation, from forces all around us. Paul said ‘For what I want to do, I do not, but what I hate, I do …’. This is defeat, but we should keep praying. God has given us His guidance in the Bible to enrich us daily, and we in our turn should walk in His way. In 2 Cor 12: 2-4 and again in 1 Timothy 5:3-15, Paul gives us good reminders of our daily duty. So we should not ignore them, and we can also read Acts 6:2 and Eph 4:31-7.
So, like Paul, we should rejoice: Phil 1:12-18. What should we do, then, to grow and to finish our work? I think we need the following:
Talk to God in prayer. Phil 4:6-8; Mark 1:35 (Jesus prayed too).
Study the word of God Matt 4:4; Ps1:1,2; Joshua 1:8. We need to grow with this habit.
Fellowshipping Meeting with believers as a way of spiritual refreshment in the word, and prayer group, as it is true that where two or three meet, Jesus is always there too. Matt 18:20; 28:20;John 14:23; Heb 10:24,25.
Witnessing Telling others about Christ, Matthew 28:18; Acts 1:8; Neh 8:5-12.
Be rooted in Christ Col 6-8; Rev 3:21; 3:2. As we do not know when Jesus will come, we should keep watch and overcome to get to the end.
So we need to endure to the end, 1 Cor 1:27-31; Joshua 9:23-35 by putting on Christ, we can prosper and reach the end. We need to put on the armour of God, Eph 6:10-18.
Bro Wilfred Chibomba (Pemba, Zambia)