Exhortation From Our Hymn 341
Stanza 1.Brethren let us walk together... love and peace: As brothers and sisters in the LORD, we should learn to walk in love which is the foremost characteristic of a true Christian life."For though we have faith so that we could remove mountains and have not love, we are nothing'' 1 Cor.13:2- 8, 13, Gal.5:22, Col.3:14, Rom.13:10.
...'Tis in union... :This simply implies that brethren should cease from all forms of conflicts that could bring divisions, and walk in union through which love, hope and joy can increase. If possible we should learn to live peaceably with all Rom.12:18 and not to avenge ouselves vs19. This stanza simply tells us the need for us to love one another with brotherly affection Rom.12:10 and live as one body in Christ Jesus.
STANZA 2. While we journey...each to bear a brother's load... We learn here that while we journey through the narrow path to the glorious Kingdom, we should learn to help each other and not to judge or avenge ourselves Rom.14:1-4. We should try to follow after things which make for peace and things which edify one another Rom.14:19. Hence, we learn to bear each other's burden.
STANZA 3. When we think...far removing all that might offend or grieve: We should know that forgiveness is one of the acts that brings us into harmony with our Heavenly FATHER. How do we expect our sins to be forgiven if we do not forgive those that offend us? Mark 11:25-26 so we have to try and forgive others as quickly as we want GOD to forgive us Col.3:13.and we also have to remove ALL that might offend or grieve our beloved brethren.
STANZA 4. Then let each esteem his brother better...happy are we when in this we all agree.: This is so interesting. There is a great lesson here for every brother and sister to value another brethen better than him or herself! For "even the quiet or the weak amongst us are of greater value"1Cor.12:22,23.
As members of one body of CHRIST, we should learn to esteem our brethren better than ourselves. Therefore, we cannot say that we have no need of others 1Cor.12:21. We should learn to grow in love and be free from envy, as those who practise envy will NOT inherit the Kingdom of GOD Gal..5:21.
And when we do all these things as this lovely hymn requires, we shall be happy, we shall be like HIM and inherit all the good promises of our FATHER.
May GOD help us to always meditate on our hymns while we sing!
Sis. Lydia Endurance, (Benin,Nigeria)