Questions for Discussion
Questions for Discussion
(1) If God’s intention is that we should all work together, how do
we account for the apparent masculine emphasis of the Bible?
(2) What moulds our personal attitudes?
(3) Have women changed in nature from Bible times? Have men?
(4) Is the modern emphasis on equal treatment contrary to the
produced by the General Teaching Council for Scotland: Gender in Education: “The beneficiaries of an
anti-sexist strategy will be all our children: sexist attitudes and assumptions
constrain and limit boys as well as girls.”)
(5) These questions were recently posed for discussion:
(a) How much is our
ecclesia the creation of the World?
(b) How much is our
ecclesia the creation of Tradition?
(c) How much is our
ecclesia the creation of the Gospel?
(6) List the jobs which are done today within the category of
“labouring side by side in the Gospel”. How much is there a male/female
division in these jobs? How desirable is it that there should be?
(7) Are there jobs that you would like to do but aren’t allowed
(8) Are there jobs which you feel obliged to do but feel someone
of the opposite sex could do as well or better?
(9) If jobs were distributed in our ecclesias on the basis of who
can do them well, what would be the benefits, what the disadvantages?
(10) Many brothers find the work needed to prepare talks to be
spiritually beneficial. They wouldn’t necessarily do it, though, without the
impetus of having to give a talk. Are sisters deprived of this stimulus? What
solutions can you suggest?
(11) Is our preaching impaired by not making more use of sisters
to give talks?
(12) Is our preaching impaired by the traditional attitude to
women? We are a lay organisation, but then we have to explain that more than
half our members may not speak!
(13) Is there anything in the argument about formality? It is all
right for sisters to read round in Bible Reading Discussion on a campaign, or
in a Breaking of Bread held at home, but not for them to read on a Sunday?
(14) If 1 Corinthians 14:35-36 did indicate a complete ban on
sisters giving talks or presiding, is it correct to continue this application
(15) Examine the section from 1886 in The Christadelphian. How
much can one see traditional church assumptions? How much is the basic argument
(16) Look at 1 Timothy 2. What does the passage say? What does it
not say?
(17) What positive work in New Testament times is not done by us
today? Why?
(18) The New Testament describes the husband as head of the wife.
Is there any organised activity within the ecclesia which sisters could perform
which would be in opposition to this? What, for example, if a capable sister
writes her husband’s exhortations?
(19) Or is it that the men are head of the women? Are sisters
under the control of the brothers collectively?
(20) Were women at the Last Supper or not? If not, why do you
think they were left out?
(21) Why do you think Jesus did not choose at least one
“representative woman” amongst the Twelve?
(22) What was the purpose of the OT purity laws if Jesus swept
them away?
(23) Galatians 3:27-28, according to the male-orientated
interpretation, refers only to salvation and not role. Is this a justifiable
interpretation? Should we go further? How about slavery?
(24) 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12 and Ephesians 4 all see the
variety of Christian work as the work of God through His Spirit. How are these
passages to be applied today?
(25) Is it wrong for brothers to do jobs which are traditionally
women’s, e.g. cooking meals, cleaning the house?
(26) Do you end up doing ecclesial jobs at which you are not
particularly good?
(27) Do you “put other people down”? Are you “put down” by others?
(28) What advantages/disadvantages are there in having sisters do
the same activities as brothers?
(29) Is it right for a Christian to argue against equal
involvement of women, or is this a worldly attitude?
(30) Consider the following anomalies:
(a) If sisters are not allowed to teach, is it
consistent to teach by writing booklets
and magazine articles?
(b) If sisters are not allowed to lead, is it
consistent to have a vote in ecclesial
(c) If sisters exercise authority by having a vote
in ecclesial elections, is it consistent
not to have them on the Arranging Committee?
(d) Does it make sense that a sister can teach a
man until he is baptised, but not
(e) Does it make sense that sisters can serve
everyone at a Fraternal Gathering
or ecclesial meal but cannot take round the Bread and Wine?
(f) Does it make sense to prevent sisters being on
the door when they are as capable
as the brothers of greeting visitors?
(g) Sisters can canvass on campaigns, together or
alone. This would have been
scandalous in the ancient world. Why do we accept it today?
(h) Girls can read at a Sunday School play, but
sisters can’t because they have
been baptised and “women should keep silence in the churches”.