Love in Our Lives (1 Cor 13)
There are a huge amount of reasons we could have come to believe in God. We may have been brought up with a believing family, we may have seen God in creation, we may have felt there was something more to life, been convinced of the truth of the Bible, been astounded by prophecy, had a good friend who was a Christian, been convicted by the death and resurrection of Jesus, or believed because of a miracle, healing or answer to prayer.
While it may have been any of those things that brought us to Christ, they should no longer remain our primary focus. Each one of the things we first believed points us in some way toward love: the love of God to us, and the love we should show to each other.
In Corinth people were arguing about which spiritual gifts were the best. None of them were the best, but each of them was a single aspect of love. In the end love is what it’s all about. “Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.” (1 Cor 13:8).
In the end it’s not how well we know prophecy or can argue creation or who our friends were, or how many miracles we have seen that will count. It’s whether all these things have translated into love in our lives. Let’s develop love. Love is what the gospel and the kingdom of God are all about.