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BALAKA | Bro Harry Benito

Firstly, I would like to inform you that we Malawians are happy and we are blessed because God himself has given what we wanted through CAT, so because of that we are happy and blessed too. Everything you send us is not only from your mind but that mind comes from God who gives you what you need to help us.

Secondly, I want to thank you for responding to what we asked for. I think that everything done through God; if it is His Will, nobody can say no. Thank you for the six New Testaments you sent which have made more people happy as they can be used for preaching to students. More people love us for our work done in preaching to them.

BOLERO | Bro Luke Chawinga

Many thanks for your continued contact with our Bolero Ecclesia. We have run short of books and other Bible literature. An ecclesia without books is like a body without soul.

This year we have not had enough rain. We thank our brethren and sisters of Mzuzu Ecclesia for inviting us to their Fraternal. Bro Nyomiro of Nkhamanga Ecclesia is very sick.

DOWA | Bro M J Wandawanda

First I wish to apologise for my delay in informing you of my loss of PO Box 47 which I used before. Today I am at Box 254. I fear that I have lost some scriptural letters.

I have a word to say. It is that Malawian readers of ‘Gospel News’ send their articles to this magazine, but I would be grateful if their Post Office Box numbers could be shown in their articles because I wonder if I could communicate in writing with them.

MZUZU| Bro Sylvester Tembo

Many thanks for your two letters plus a parcel of Bibles. I always appreciate the care and support that you give me. It is nice to hear that Duncan might join you in the U.K. to assist with the Truth’s work, knowing that you yourself are of age nowadays.

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