view as web pdf Slave Away (Mark 10:44)

Most people want to be first. To be first is a sign of success. It is a place of power and prominence. To be first is to be noticed, to get the prize, and popular acclaim. In the modern world it often leads to wealth as well. Only the weak and timid refuse the opportunity to be first.

The two disciples of Jesus who asked him to give them the best places: they wanted to be first. They did not understand the way of Jesus nor had they accepted the values he both taught and lived for. In the kingdom of God, earthly status means nothing. For Jesus, the way to glory was not the way of wealth or success. You do not get to the top even by becoming the servant of all. You have to be the slave of all. A servant was a willing helper rendering personal service. A slave was owned by his/her master, and was bound by the master’s will or command. Jesus took the role of slave when he washed the disciples’ feet. He did not just tell others to become slaves: he slaved away himself.

He wants you to serve others as well. He prizes those who serve the most, who put the needs of others before their own. He wants people who will give themselves selflessly and tirelessly to love others. People who do that usually forget about becoming first, second or anything else. Do you still want to be first?

Bro David Banda Yelulani (Banket, Zimbabwe)

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