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Health and Blessing in the Name of Our Savior Jesus Christ who will return as promised 2,000 years ago. It will be a greatest event undreamed of man. Let us watch and pray less we are taken by surprised!

Thank you for the e-mail which is uplifting and encouraging. Your team are doing a wonderful work in propagating the seeds throughout the world. We pray that the truth will germinate in healthy baptism. Thank you for the Gospel News magazine which I read with interest. Many students of the NEV Bible are expressing a positive approach to the great event undreamed of by man - the future Kingdom of God. There will be no more death, or illness, or man-made chaotic existence. There are injustices to be put right and reprieves to be given.

Let us watch and pray constantly! We yearn for the time of redemption when we shall see the Lord's face in glory as the disciples saw him 2,000 years ago.

--Bro. Lilkan Ancharaz

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