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Thank you very much for the support of reading glasses for the elder brothers, which fixed up four brethren with the reading glasses. The Gospel news has united us as a household and when we read articles from different brothers and sisters around the world it really encourages us in our walk towards the Kingdom.

--Bro. David and Sister Jacklyne Wanjala


I am very grateful for the book "The Real Devil", by Bro Duncan. This is an in-depth exploration of pagan myths developed and enshrined in mainstream Christian religion ­I shall never miss to reading the daily page by page until I have finished it. I am working on plans to set up an ecclesia in Katito, God Willing, this year and we remain praying for that.

For now, we have been warned by meteorologists of impending el-nino rains.

Let us pray that this new Year will bring the master back to the earth to salvage the mix ups in the present world.

--Bro. Lawrence Kowiti


Thanks a lot for your empowering letter and the bulletins motivating us on the signs of the times. We need 10 copies of revision studies, the copy you sent me is helping me very much.

--Bro. Martin W. Barasa

Widows and their children at a Bible Study. Alas, many widows live in mighty difficult circumstances and need our prayers and help. --MH


On the right in white shirt with tie is Bro. Thomas Radido, (Mombasa Ecclesia) next Sis Emelda Barasa, with 2 children. In back row in glasses is Bro. Edward Kunikina. Last in blue shirt, myself, Bro. Martin Wafula Barasa. Venue Mombasa Ecclesia Bible Study.

--Bro. Martin Wafula Barasa


The Lord has been so faithful to me. I have experienced His care and sustenance since I lost my job six months ago. I still hold on to His promises in the Bible. I believe that when He closes one door He opens another and God does not lie because He is not a man to lie. Whatever He says He will surely do. I am very happy and appreciate so much the publications you sent me and the Bible. This is the most important asset for a Christian, that is the Word of God. my brother has been diagnosed with kidney failure. It is now a year down the line and we are trusting God for his healing and if possible a kidney transplant. Please always mention us in your prayers.

--Bro. Jared Manera Kidiga


I am very interested in the books you are sending me, they are really building and strengthening my faith; also the lessons you had sent to me previously are helpful to my life and also to my friends that I am discussing these things with.

The following are a few thoughts on prayer:-

In prayer we depend on God for solutions to our problems. God's power is always good. the Christians communicate with God. Prayer focuses on God and He it is who is praised when solutions to problems are found. Faith in God helps the Christian to pray.

Let us remember each other in prayer because God is omnipresent (He is everywhere present) and also God is good all the time.

--Bro. Nasongo Simiyu


I am fine and waiting eagerly for the return of our master, the Lord Jesus. I am enquiring whether you still have a stock of the rulers and the copper bracelets made by our brethren in Zambia, which you sent to us some years ago. We did put them to good use and would like to have more of them if they are still in available.

--Bro. Raphael Joni Aimo


First and foremost I give thanks to the Almighty who has granted me this chance to send you greetings. The Lord is still on my side while waiting for the second coming of Jesus. Generally I am always praying for the brethren throughout the world to stand firm in the faith just as quoted in Psalm 11:3, "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" Some have gone outside our faith due to a situation being encountered, economically, spiritually, physically and emotionally. However, my prayer is to the Saviour to give you ability to keep on attending to brethren throughout the world as you always do.

--Bro. Mike G.O. Juma

Bro. Mike and Sis. Everlyne on their wedding day.


1 Cor.16:13,14, "Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong." "Let all that you do be done in love." CAt's love to the truth, to our fellow brothers and sisters has been reflected in serving us individually. may the God of Israel bless you all. Please get me more biblical teaching about the Bible Sabbath. I have many friends and relatives who are Adventist and they base their teaching on keeping the Sabbath.

God's Son, Jesus of nazareth, humbled himself, faced death on the cross and was raised back to life again. Through love you have provided me with spiritual food and I must remain watchful, stand firm in the faith, endure and remain steadfast in the truth. Philippians 2:1-11.

--Bro John Owalo Onani


Bro. martin Barasa and myself are working together in preaching the gospel in mASABA and have preached to forty people in their Church by permission of their church leaders. Can you assist in any way? We need more literature. Remember to send us more Bibles as all these friends do not have any.

--Bro. Emmanuel Mulimo

Leaders of the Church in which we preached.

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