news from uganda


I have a New Testament in our own language. Can I be allowed to send it to you so that you can help us make and produce more New Testaments in Lumasaba, as my people really want the New Testament in their own language. It will really be of use to them if you will allow the suggestion.

Thank you for the Bible Basics books in English which I received in good condition, though I was highly charged in Mbale Post Office. I also request some Swahili books, God willing. I thank you for ‘The “Real Christ’, which I am reading slowly and I hope it will be of help to me and the Ecclesia at large. The message contained in that book is real and will help other people who will be sharing the Word of God with me.

Bro. Boniface Masakala

Bro. Francis Maweli and Bro. Hassan Matsatsa baptising Bro. Dismas Makhafu at Butiru Ecclesia at Lutaaso River.

Bro. Hassan Matsatsa giving a hand of fellowship to the baptised members at Butiru Ecclesia.

Sis. Beatrice Namulinda, a sad sister of Butiru Ecclesia. You can see her grass-thatched house. She requests for all well wishers to support her towards shelter.


The Bible says that God has set a day in which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth (Acts 17:31). For many people the prospect of being subject to any kind of judgment is unwelcome. The first human couple rebelled against God. As a result they lost the prospect of eternal life for themselves at that time and brought sin and death to all of their descendants, Gen.2:15, Rom.5:12.

Those receiving favourable judgment will live on earth and will enjoy everlasting life in perfect conditions, Rev.21:3-4. Look at this very carefully, because it matters for all of us, therefore considering the judgment day helps to accomplish God’s original purpose for humans and the earth.

Bro. Samuel Onyango.

Photo: Bro. Samuel Onyango and Sis Jesca


Peace, love and knowledge continue to abide in you as you minister to God’s people. Receive greetings from my Evelyn and all members of my family. Receive more greetings from Butiru Ecclesia who assure me that the literature you sent is of great help to many spiritually. May God continue to bless you in whatever you are doing. I would also like to inform you that we had a women’s workshop for sisters and close friends at Butiru Ecclesia.

Bro Boniface Buyeyi

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