Who Will Be Raised?

It is sometimes claimed that if all the countless millions that ever lived were suddenly raised from the dead, there would not be room found for them on earth. This is disputed by others. The fact of the matter, however, is that all will not be raised from the dead; indeed, only a minority will enjoy that experience. The Bible clearly shows that those who lack an understanding of God’s purpose will not be raised for judgement (Ps 49:19,20; 88:5; Is 26: 14; 43:17; Jer 51: 57). Paul describes such as “having no hope and being without God in the world” (Eph 2:1). Jesus confirmed the hard truth in these words: “I am the resurrection and the life: he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live” (John 11:25).

The Lord declared that those who “believe” will live again, and in doing so he emphasized that “light” or “knowledge” is the ground of responsibility. He who knows the will of God will be raised to judgement whether he performs that will or not, for to know is to be held responsible so to do. Christ taught that those who refuse to submit to the requirements of the truth will ‘see’ Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with all of similar faith, granted eternal life in the kingdom of God, whilst they themselves will be “cast out” (Luke 13:28; John 3:19). Felix, to whom Paul preached and who had an understanding of what was required (Acts 24:22), trembled when Paul reasoned with him of “judgement to come” (Acts 24:25) because, doubtless, he recognized that he himself will be included among the rejected in that day (Romans 2:7,8,16).

The Bible teaches that the responsible dead, both just and unjust, will be raised and together with the living, will be assembled before the judgement seat of Christ at his coming, to receive “in the body what they have done in this life”, whether it be good or bad (2 Cor 5:10; Rom 14:10-12). Those who by “patient continuance in well doing seek for glory, honour and immortality” will receive eternal life (Rom 2:7). Those who have rejected Christ’s way of life, a “second death” will bring them to the grave again, from which they came briefly (Rev 2:11; 21:7,8; Gal 6:8; Rom 6:12,23).

Most people, however, live in ignorance of divine truth and will remain for ever in the grave, for upon what ground could those who are ignorant of the divine way be judged?

Sis Jackline Wanjala (Bungoma, Kenya)

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