news from tanzania
The members of Nyarugusu II Ecclesia would like to appeal for help in order to make a Garden Project. This kind of project is fruitful to brothers and sisters because we are in a troubled situation in this camp. We are suffering from a shortage of food at this moment, but our project will be continuing.
We cultivate cabbages, onions and tomatoes. That is why we come to ask for your help with tools, etc. In the ‘photos you see how the inundation has broken a house, and we are still accommodating brothers until the rebuilding of the house is completed.
Bro. Daniel Sabuni
In the recent heavy rains parts of Musoma is were flood and 45 families had to migrate to other places and they lost their belongings. No death is reported except there was also a road accident caused by a bridge as it went off with the water and 45 people died and five taken to hospital. This happened in Mwanza Region... the world is full of disasters.
Good News, one Bro John joined the breaking of bread after Bro. Michael Owens interview. God is great there are also three more contacts for next year God willing. We are all doing well.
Sis Monica Achieng
Sister Monica and her family, except the little boy, a neighbours child