news from turkey

We are delighted to report the baptisms of VIKA, originally from Ukraine, and RAMIN, originally from Afghanistan. May the Lord guide them both to His Kingdom.

I am thinking much about the inspired words of John- “Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren”. These words are my inspiration.

Bro. Parviz [ex-Iran]

Please pray for me in my meeting with the United Nations, and also please continue your support for Brother Ramin, he is in a hard situation. Please please, pray for us here as we seek asylum.

Bro. M

Please be praying for me as I now travel to Ankara for my next interview with UNHCR. I really cannot return to Afghanistan, I so fear.


Thanks to God, He helped us to do our medical examinations without having any problems....we have done the examinations last Monday and the rest of the week we have participated in a fruitful course about the culture etc. of the USA , also about the processes of how to get into the airport in Istanbul then to USA final destination.... it was really so helpful for us to get good ideas about the place we are going to in USA. We are only waiting the fly date to be given for by the ICMC or IOM...hope it is very soon.

Bro. S and family [ex-Iraq]

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