news from russia

We are delighted to report the baptism of OLYA and KOLYA; may the Lord guide them as they journey to His Kingdom.


I am rebuking myself for worrying so much about my health, about my death, about the future... Jesus taught us not to do this. The Bible teaches us to be thankful, and our thought for the future should be concerning the coming of the Kingdom. I am so sorry I am so frail and a burden upon my brothers. I thank you all for your support of me in various ways. I hope I shall make it up to you at the coming of the Kingdom, and that the King Jesus shall also make it up to you.

Bro. Boris

I continue trying to take care of Brother Boris, he is extremely frail and I fear will not come to another Bible School. However, I am hopeful of attending, God willing. Please pray for a woman called Aleftina, who has been attending our meetings and has studied Bible Basics. She must decide herself whether she wishes to be baptized, but in my view she now knows all the doctrines.



We were very encouraged by the meeting in Moscow, and the support received. We had a successful journey to the South to visit our daughter and brother Slava and his family. We so value all our brothers and sisters, knowing we shall live together eternally in the Kingdom soon to come.

Bro. Alexei & Sis. Vera

Photo: Alexei and Vera are in the centre; newly baptized Kolya and Olya standing far right.


Yesterday evening I met with Brother Igor Sipiagov and we broke bread, it was a very sober but strengthening meeting and I went away feeling so much stronger in Christ.

Bro. Igor Pr.


I am writing this on the 2nd anniversary of my baptism into Christ. I am so grateful for the part played in my life by you, in bringing me to Him. Also today day, sister Nastya and I announce our engagement, please pray for our planned wedding! For all these things I give thanks to God all the time, for His grace and love for us.

Bro. Kostya

Photo: Sister Nastya


Here we are all OK, I am so glad that in my old age I have created new habits, namely breaking bread each week and reading the Bible every day. Things are very tough for my family who remain in Kazakhstan, please pray for them.

Sis. Raisa


Thank you for the online exhortations in Russian, it’s simply wonderful to be able to download them and listen to them. I was walking today listening to the exhortation given in Riga, and it was as if a great weight was lifted from me. May the Lord reward all your efforts for Him, they give such strength to me at least.

Bro. Andrej


Sometimes I wonder how I manage to stay alive, so I assume God hasn’t finished with me yet, and I have some work to do for Him, some character to develop, weakness to overcome.

Sis. Tamara


I still remain under the impression of the great loss of our dear Sister Ludmila Kuritsyna, although it happened some time ago. Our brotherhood truly lost a wonderful servant. I continue to write some hymns and songs, and translate some from the English hymn book, and I hope this is an acceptable service to our brotherhood.

Bro. Vadim


My granddaughter Regina was hit by a car and has been in a coma for three days as I write this. Please pray for her. I can suffer my own poverty and lack of things, but I find it so hard to see this.

Sis. Galina

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