news from lithuania

We’re delighted to report the baptism of IRENA, sister of Brother Ryszardas. May God bless her in her walk to the Kingdom.


I would as always very much like to come to the Bible Schools in Latvia, my health is a bit better (for which I thank God) and I can consider such a journey, but all is in God’s hands.

Bro. Mantas


I have felt the financial crisis biting me personally, as wages were cut by one fifth and my number of hours was reduced. So things aren’t easy. I think and pray for you all.

Bro. Albinas

Photo: Group photo after Irena’s baptism- Irena is 2
nd from the left, next to her brother, Ryszardas.


After so many problems and being without work for so long, I am so, so thankful to God that I have found work in a furniture factory, with a contract for a few months. I have received the list of those in Lithuania who have requested Bible Basics, and I am writing to them, I so wish to persuade at least one of the holy Truth we have been given.

Bro. Ryszardas

You are always on my mind and looking forward to seeing you again? I am trying to preach to people but it’s not easy. I am motivated by Romans 10:9: “If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved”. But for this, people must hear the Gospel by a preacher.
May God bless

Bro. Kicho

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