news from ukraine
KHARKOVI am so glad when I remember how we met at Tuchkovo and you baptized me. I want to thank you for your great work in labouring to bring people to God. I also want to thank you for your help in saving me from cataracts. In March I had the operation as planned. Straight afterwards my distance vision became much better. After 2 months I will be able to wear glasses to help me with my close up vision (reading and writing). Now I am still taking medicine for that eye. I can now read the Scriptures again!
Bro. Anton
Photos: Brother Anton reading with difficulty at the January Bible School; and explaining his sight problem to Sis. CindyKIEVI have prepared disks with recordings of the Bible School talks, in MP3 and WMA format. They are available for those who wish them!
Bro. PeterPOLTAVAI have thought much about the words of the brother from Australia who spoke at the Poltava Bible School, those words have been my food so often since then. It was truly an encouraging time there.
Sis. VeronikaI have been thinking about the fact that one day, the last person will be baptized, and then Jesus will come. I really think this is so, and so we must all try to preach the harder.
Bro. VladimirWe here are very happy with the
Zvezda Russian magazine and I have written an article for it. We are sorry to tell you of the deathly illness of our dear sister Ludmila Shtofel who all the same has the hope of the resurrection.
Bro. Gennady & Sis. Ludmila