news from malawi

In my gentile life when I was still young, I was full of rage and resentment. My quick temper led me to stormy anger; this as an end result made me impatient, disrespectful and violent. Though I never drank nor smoked (drug intake) my attitude seemed no different from those who did it: One funny thing was a strange silence which, if anyone wronged me, I would burst out to strike which ever person was stronger than me.

The reason for this temper was the way of life we lived in, a life of bullying each other to show who was strongest. As time went on, things started changing in me. I started going to church. Later on I was introduced to the Christadelphians by my cousin. The avoidance of fights and quarrels started appearing little by little.

The daily reading (although I missed them some days) of God’s word and occasional prayers were factors in understanding myself, - who I was and what people expected of me. I shunned some of my previous friends and started controlling my temper (Proverbs 16:32).

Thanks to God (Psalm 7:17; Philippians 1:3; 2 Corinthians 3:14), my growing knowledge of the Bible had a good effect on me and my conscience. It helped me to subdue my quick temper and to develop self-control, as James says, “Draw close to God and he will draw close to you (4:8). My personality dramatically changed and I was more and more interested in knowing God’s word (Hebrews 4:12,13; Matthew 6:33). My baptism in 2003 brought so many differences.  By this time I had vowed not to go back to my old life but to try and understand God’s word fully.

So I would like to encourage all brethren and sisters either in similar situations, or in different ones, to pray and read the word of God for guidance. God doesn’t hate anyone, that is why He rains rain everywhere, both on sinners and the righteous. I especially thank my tutor who has always been there for me in times when I felt low or distressed, for her help and encouragement.
Bro Oliver Chilefu

Could you please send me some copper bracelets for arthritis relief. Arthritis is a painful disease of the joints which is very common in the part of the world where I live.
Bro Lukanga Nyomiro

I thank you for always thinking about me. May God bless you for ever and ever more.  The idea that I should be among those who may be keeping goats to have something for their living is most welcome. I am so thankful to Almighty God, for He provides something for me out of nothing. I always say, ‘What shall I give back to God for whatever He provides through His loved ones’. I will try if possible to make contact with the animal husbandry assistant who helps other people who are in clubs keeping chickens, goats, pigs and cattle. Then I will have knowledge on how to keep them. I will try very hard to have a good house for the goats.
Sis Bertha Khonje

My name is Kenneth Maganger, the first born son of Mr Moses Maganger here in Zomba, Malawi.  We all belong to the Chileka Christadelphian Ecclesia. I would like to let you know that if possible, you send me ‘Gospel News’ and the book ‘Bible Basics’ as you have done to my father, Bro Maganger. I have a problem occasionally in the Bible New Testament. There are some verses missing in the Chichewa Bibles and in some English Bibles: Mark 15, verse 28; John 5:4; Acts 15:34. In the English Bible from Bro David Rennson these verses are present. Which version is correct? Please help me over this point.

I’m married and have a baby called Frank. I have provided my photo for you to recognize me.
Bro Kenneth Maganger

Thanks for the good study from the Holy Bible. I was ignorant but now I know the scriptures,  please send me more studies. I know little about the English language.  Don’t you have more books which can help me to know more about English?  Help me if possible. I was using a Chichewa language Bible; may you send me an English Bible.
Bro Michael B R Chinangwa

Photo: Bro Michael B R Chinangwa

I have just come in from Mulanje where my wife was admitted two weeks for suspected TB. The sputum smear and Xray results were silent. However, the hospital authorities gave her enough drugs for the coming eight months. In Malawi, respiratory disorders are so common that it is difficult to recognize TB cases.

Recently one of our secular weekend papers had an article in which it sought the views of various religious leaders on whether the end of the world was near.  Three quarters agreed that it was, citing wars, famines, pestilences (Matthew 24:7) lawlessness (v12, 1 Timothy 1:9,10; 4:1,2). So far, so good. Scriptures say that all these are the beginning of sorrows (Matthew 24:8). One encouraging thing is that humanity has begun taking interest in the immediate future because “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations, and THEN the end WILL COME”.

None of the respondents pointed out the Middle East as one of the indicators. I am glad that in your letter you did dwell on the importance of looking out for the events in the Middle East

Recently Sister Muriel Whittaker sent me a videotape “Conflict in the Middle East (to be resolved by God)”. I plan to circulate it to our sister ecclesias at Senga Bay (where Brothers George Maimba Nkhoma and Nyitenda stay) and Chapita (45 km south of here) where there is a flourishing young ecclesia.  Such topics on the Middle East are timely because most preaching discounts them as earthly stories without spiritual application.

Our five small ecclesias sent elderly Sister representatives to attend the course sponsored by the CAT. The course took place at the ecclesia where our Brother George Nkoma stays and it greatly benefited the participants. Which brings me to the concern you have brought forward on trying to find out a sustainable project which could benefit brothers and sisters in Malawi not only during hard times but also other times. I salute you for your proposal of a goats project because (as an agriculturalist):

1,They need minimal care

2, They are tolerant of most animal diseases

3, They can be housed easily

4, They are not easily pinched by thieves

5, They produce excellent milk and meat

6, Their droppings facilitate the making of compost manure.

To avoid jealousy and murmuring the recipients should be arranged in teams as we did with the European Union-sponsored animals in my work last year. The first team got two female goats per family (we started with 10 families). The first female kid born to a family in team A would be given to a family in team B until every family in team B got two female kids. These would repeat the procedure by giving to families in team C so that at the end of five years the majority of the beneficiaries would have she-goats. We purchased hybrid goats for circulation (one he-goat to 10 does) to avoid in-breeding. I am sure such a project would reduce the moral burden of our UK-based brethren and sisters to send cash to buy maize in times of famine (because I can’t see any end to these famines). While they happen owing to natural causes beyond our control, most of them are aggravated by human mismanagement. To crown it all, during the past 10 years, we have developed a culture which is dependent on “Donor” countries. In simple language, I pray to the Heavenly Father to financially assist you so that such a project can come to maturity because, as you have said, it is better to give a man a fishing rod and teach him to catch fish for a long time, than giving him a fish which is consumed in one day.
Bro Ignatius Maluwa

I am a member of the Christadelphians and I was baptised in 1996, on October 6 as were some other brothers and sisters including Bro George Benjamin Nightingale, Bro Wahera Church Consullors and many sisters. During the past time, I used to attend the Bible School and Chiramwate in Tomba using my late father’s bicycle which got stolen. But as of now I do not attend because of transport; but I last went there when Bro Nightingale was handing over to Bro Arne Roberts
Bro Lucky J Mbalale

I want to thank you very much for sending me the entire book dealing with Revelation printed by Logos. Following my last questions I beg you to continue sending me gospel books and many more. I know the kingdom of God is just around the corner. And, my brother, I want a book called Who are the Christadelphians? and when you find it, please send it me.
Bro S Maseya John

I think that you have heard that we had the baptisms of four students. So our number has gone up to 16. This shows that God is still blessing our work in the truth. Bro Marcus, the changing weather pattern in Kasungu has put us into fear. We don’t know what comes next. It was on the air by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture that 95% of the people of Kasungu Central and Northern Region plus the east of Kasungu will not harvest anything this year due to the longest drought that we have had. Our crops dried up after we had applied fertiliser twice. The Government has accepted to help people until the next growing season; that is next year’s harvest. 50 kg of maize is shared between two families. And it takes one month before another distribution. Not all receive what the Government is distributing.
Bro Harmony Ntchalachala

I thank CAT for enabling the meeting we had in Mzuzu. Thank you for your willingness, because nothing can be done from nothing. But action must first be taken.  Thank you again for being with us in this action of offering for a meeting. We had a good meeting. There were brothers and sisters from Zambia at Lundazi ecclesia at Mzembe town and some isolated brothers at Mgamatchuwa School and from Khata-Bay. Baptisms conducted for two new brothers. We didn’t have many non-Christadelphians. Thank you for letting us hear how the work of God goes on in many parts of the world. Thank you for sending me a book entitled, “The Gifts of the Holy Spirit”.  It will help me to increase my knowledge of the subject. In the Gospel News No 1, vol 19, Oct-Dec, I read concerning the bracelets for arthritis relief. Now, I would ask you to send me several for myself and for other brothers and sisters. In January my younger brother, who was working in South Africa, died. It’s my pleasure to have the precious time waiting for the promise Jesus made of his return. I have to thank our Heavenly Father for revealing everything that He wants His followers to do and that He has expressed the blessings that we as Christians are to receive at Christ’s return (everlasting life), when we do according to His will (Romans 6:23).
Bro Humphrey M Banda

The fraternal meeting was held here in Mzuzu and despite the hunger in this country, the brethren and sisters managed to travel long distances. Some came from as far as Lunkazi in Zambia, Salima and many more from Mzimba. This meeting was organized locally by the brethren here. I feel this was a very good test of our strength in the faith. Please find enclosed herewith three snaps which show what transpired during our meeting.

Concerning our great period of hunger, one of the contributing factors was the price of fertilizer. To an ordinary man, this was unaffordable. However, with the present change of government there was a bill in Parliament to reduce the price and it was passed. This year in some parts of the country crops are very promising despite climate changes. If what the government has done continues, in two years’ time Malawi will be self-reliant in food as before in the reign of Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda. Our first President stressed very much the importance of food for his people. He said that he did not want his people to go on empty stomachs. That is why during his reign the prices of food and fertilizer were under strict control by the government.
Bro Sylvester Tembo

Photo:  Mzuzu Fraternal   Top: The Brethren, Centre: The Sisters  Bottom: Group Photo - The two without shirts recently baptized.

We thank you and we are very happy to have the booklets you send to us. We believe these will help us in our ministry for Sunday School use. Slowly by slowly we have managed to do something for our families. We have managed to start our ministry of Christadelphia here with seven families. 19 members were baptised and we were serving our God under a tree. Our concern is teaching materials like Bibles, Sunday School books, etc. Our vision is to build a church so we need iron sheets; the bricks we have already made ourselves through the power of God. So we need help from well-wishers all over the world in order to finish our church of 10 X 30 metres with a capacity for 30 members. So it’s our plea again to you and your friends to come to Malawi to preach the word of God and assess the situation here.
Sis and Bro Mc Micky DS Mbawe

I was baptised by a Christadelphian, Bro Emanuel in Usanje district in 2002. I am very happy with the encouragement of your letters and summary sheet which you sent me. And now my knowledge of the Bible is quite open. In adding to that, I ask that you remember me, in your daily prayers so that our Lord may seal His perfection in my life.
Bro G P M’ngundeni

We are greatly encouraged by your enthusiasm and the work that you are doing. I hope this letter finds you well and thriving.

1.  I should be pleased if you would send me copies of notes on the daily readings (with the help of Bro Blackstone?)

2.  Also send me Bibles, two in Chichewa and two in English for brothers and sisters who are poor and can’t get money to buy them.

3.  I would also like to receive some study material from you. My aim is to keep on preaching and I desire to establish another new ecclesia 30 km from Mtentaela, for the truth in Malawi. Already three brothers and three sisters were baptised on 12 March 2006 and there are about thirty followers. It will be called Mbweza Christadelphian Ecclesia. I will let you know what happens. So let us sit at Jesus’ feet, the greatest Preacher, and cultivate a Christ-like mind that will not forget God’s laws. We must remember that Israel has had a tortured history in many segments – and another foreboding segment looks set to open.
Bro Henderson Sosola

I thank you for all spiritual encouragement. These days things, as well as people’s behaviour, are becoming worse and worse like Sodom and Gomorrah. As Christians, we must remember that when the darkness becomes very great, then light is near. All the signs encourage us that the coming of Jesus is at hand. Brother, I would like to inform you that most people here speak Chichewa, so can you please send us more Chichewa books.
Bro Harry Benito

Photo: Bro M'ngundeni and his family

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