news from kazakhstan

Life here is so hard with such low salaries, and I have to somehow provide for Olga as she is now finishing school and wanting to study further. Despite all that we are happy, above all because we know the Lord. We so want to come to the next Bible school in Poltava if we can possibly manage to.
Sis Valya

We warmly invite you to be with us here. We have had some small problems but some of us now have been baptized for some years and we trust we will endure to the end as Jesus said.
Bro. Yuri

I am so sad to have missed Bible Schools recently, my daughter came from Germany with the grandchildren, I’ve not seen them for some years since they went there. So it is a great agony not to see them and I am so glad they came to us. We continue gathering together for Bible reading with the Sisters. So many in our society are caught up with the struggle for survival that they’re not interested when I tell them of God and the Bible. We so long for you to come to us.
Sis. Svetlana B

I am writing this note just after our breaking of bread, to say we pray for all brothers and sisters, and always for Duncan and Cindy, and we so welcome them to us if they can come. We are with you all.
Sis Svetlana Kon.

I am taking my 4-year-old grandson to the ecclesia here, I spend all my time looking after him and my invalid husband; his illness now affects him psychologically, so it is very hard. I am looking forward to having a break through going to the Bible School. Only my prayers keep me sane through everything.
Sis. Elvira

I have recently got married but I am hoping my wife will be baptized soon. I very much await the coming here of Brother Duncan.
Bro. Tolik

I received more literature from you and I will try to distribute it. I pray and I hope that people will more seriously respond to the call of Jesus.
Sis. Tanya

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