news from turkmenistan

Hope everything is fine with you. I always pray for you all and know that we are always in your prayers and thoughts. There are problems with internet again here so I am not able to write often. Everything is well with me, but my mother is still sick. I have news: our sister Bilbil got married on 1st of December. Hope to see her very soon. Our tradition does not allow meeting with her and during 20 days her face should be covered. We so much miss her.. Few hours a week I work at school. I do my hand-made works alone without my mother and sister now. But I plan to make new products and I draw some new designs of them. I also continue my reading and translating Bible Basics. So you see how busy I am. God Bless, I am so happy that we are baptised into Christ. Things are not easy because of the situation here. I am glad the camels we make are in Christadelphian homes! Thank you! I am sending more translation of Bible Basics in Turkmen.
Sis G

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