news from south africa
I would like to thank God for the wonderful job He is doing in us. Thank you, too, for the work you are doing. I am sincerely grateful for having distributed all the Bible Basics and other booklets. I have distributed them to High Schools where they were received with joy. Others have included Bible Basics in the school libraries. There are still 14 High Schools in the area next to where I stay which have not received any; they would also like some copies. The book ‘Where There is No Doctor’ has already saved my nephew. It is doing wonders helping the neighbourhood. I request reading glasses +2.5; I have to adjust things to about arm’s length in order to read. Please help. Is there anyone who could help me with an English course as I would like to improve my English.
Bro Francis Chauke
It is encouraging to see how Yahweh’s word is spreading to so many remote places, especially the last report from Pakistan. A few years ago there was no one there and now there are so many new Brothers and Sisters. So I want to thank all of you for this work you are doing. We have got really good news from Kempton Park for you to share: our ecclesia is experiencing, by God’s grace, a spiritual boom. This year we have had seven baptisms and this makes our hearts filled with joy and gratitude to our God for such loving kindness. First of all it was TRUDY, daughter of our Sis. Paddy, then our Polish friend, JERZY and his wife, KRYSTYNA and their daughter ANETA WLODAREZYK; they are the fruits of the ecclesia’s efforts to preach to the Polish community here in South Africa. I hope this is the beginning of a Polish ecclesia. Then my son, MIESZKO CWIECEK, was baptised, to my incredible delight. Then our Zambian friend, JOHN MULENGA went through the waters of baptism, and the wife of our Brother Peter Muliwa. All of us were uplifted at this harvest and encouraged to serve our God even more. I was quite moved by our new Brother Jerzy Wlodarezyk’s desire to find the Truth; he used to spend 16 hours a day studying the scriptures to make sure of his calling. He even wrote himself a book about Satan – this before his baptism. He spent his own money to print it and is already using it in his preaching efforts. This is quite unusual for a new convert. I would like to recommend this book to you. When thinking of how good it is to be in an ecclesia and count myself blessed to belong to such a wonderful place of worship, I feel sorry for so many living in isolation; my heart bleeds in despair; what can we do to serve our Brothers better and sincerely?
Bro. Wacek Cwiecek