News from Asia

news from burma 

I am a friend of Bro. Ron Hill and Terry, Christadelphians in Australia. When they came to Myanmar we had a seminar and good fellowship with them. With the permission of Bro. Ron Hill, I have translated the following material into Burmese and I have printed it.

1. The Kingdom of God on earth
2. Life after Death (?)
3. The Divine Origin of the Bible
4. Christ is Coming
5. Jerusalem the Holy City
6. Miracles of the Bible
7. Why Does God Allow Suffering?

Mr. Van Cung Tum

news from china 

We’re delighted to announce the baptism of GUANG, ZHU, TIANYU, WANG, RITA, SHARON  and JOSEFA. May the Lord be with them all the journey through, to His Kingdom.

Here are just a few of the emails we received after the all-China Bible School in December:

"Give glory to our Lord. Your action is great for baptism. I believe that we live for ever together in God's Kingdom on earth when Jesus returns".

"I back home safe and work in office now. Thank you very much for everything and especially the chance you give us to be saved by our Father in heaven through the baptism. I hope the seed you plant in my heart will become bigger and bigger and one day grow to a big tree. I will tell you my feeling and my stories in the following mails. The life with God and Jesus is now within my heart".

"I am back home safely now, just wanted to thank you for the good work you have done for me and for us, I really learned a lot from this seminar, and I will definitely share the material with others too... thank you again".

Photo: With the baptismal candidates at the all-China Bible School

news from myanmar 

I have just now come back from the journey, I went first to the Delta and again I went to the Tauleeng village in the Chin state to share God's word and introduce the good news to the people. I thank God for your prayer support. It is very interesting there, because people are traditional Christians but they don't know about the Bible; and so they are very interested in the study of the word of God. I had the opportunity to share again there the Gospel and I really thank God for sustaining me, and providing me what I needed. I could also help some people physically and I gave a little rice and shared some rice to those who do not have to eat. Next time I will be back to the Tauleeng village and conduct a Bible camp but I don't know yet when... pray for me. Now I need to get some Bibles in Burmese and the Chin hill language to give those people.

Bro. Suumpi.

Comment: Recently Bible Basics has been printed in Burmese.

news from nepal 

Please don’t forget us here in Western Nepal as we are trying to do the service of God and Jesus in Truth.

Bro. Narenda

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