view as web pdf Walk With God | Psalm 25:8-10

It is beyond all doubt that the best way to live is God’s way. He created life, but gave to man the power to choose the path along which he wishes to walk. This power of choice is decisive, for it leads to constructive achievement or frustration and failure. God gave you life, but what you do with it is your responsibility.

“All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth unto such as keep His covenant and His testimonies” Psalm 25:10

To live successfully you must have a standard of values that is greater than your natural inclinations, and a goal towards which you can work. God has supplied the standard in the teachings of the living Christ and the goal of every disciple should be to grow like Him and do the Father’s will. As you adopt Christian standards and accept that doing the Father’s will is obligatory for every disciple, you enter into a meaningful relationship with God. The awareness of the Divine presence becomes a reality and you are conscious of a guiding hand in your affairs, for the Father does lead when you are striving to walk in His way. With His leadership you gain a fresh appreciation of the beauties of life, and you can assess more clearly what you can become in the power of your living Christ. Walk with God and you will be taught the meaning of true living.

Bro David B Yelulani (Banket, Zimbabwe)

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