Pakistani Brethren Visit India
Thanks for your prayers for our visit to India to have fellowship with Indian Christadelphians. We have been to Hyderabad Daccan, Vashkapatnam and New Delhi. The Brothers and Sister from Hyderabad ecclesia were our main hosts and they arranged Bible Truth Camp for nine people from Pakistan.
The group reached New Delhi early in the morning where Brother Anil Sharma, Brother Lucky, and Brother Babu received us at the station and took us to another station where the train was going to Hyderabad. It was a super fast train that took 27 hours to get there.
During the journey we had a nice time and shared the word of God with each other. We reached Hyderbad next day at 12:05 pm where Brother Ravi and Brother Sandeep received us and they took us to the Mission house. We were welcomed by the Brothers and Sisters there along with Bro Shawn from Canada who was getting married to a sister from Hyderabad. After lunch we were taken to Shunum Home where we had Bible Truth Camp, there were about 50 there. We had a prayer and the children sang and welcomed all those from Pakistan.
The next morning we had Truth Camp and Brother Tim Galbraith facilitated the people to know The TRUTH from the Bible. He had sessions on Bible Truth about God and Jesus; Tabernacle study and personal lessons from its structure.
August 13, 2005, we had sessions on: Man, Death and Resurrection; Bible Truth about God ‘s Promises and the Kingdom; Bible Truth about Sin and Suffering and Tabernacle study.
On Sunday we all went to Hyderabad city where we had the Breaking of Bread meeting with Hyderabad ecclesia. The Meeting hall was full with Brothers and Sisters from different areas. Brother Mathew from Moinabad Home for Children shared the word of God with Brothers and Sisters. The message was translated into different languages including URDU Pakistani language. After that all Brothers and Sisters were invited to Shunum home to share lunch and Brother Ash spoke about the Lord’s work in Pakistan and answered many questions. Bro Tim prayed for Pakistan brethren.
Next day we wenr to the Shunum home where children are studying and they prepared a wonderful program for us. The Pakistan delegation was invited by the Principal of the school to witness the program there. Delphia a young girl from Shonum prepared some wonderful items for us. Bre. Tim and Ash spoke and thanked the school for inviting us.
We went to Moinabad Home for Children where Bro Matthew and his wife and children were waiting for us. There we had a presentation of the home, how the idea was evolved, and working now. After lunch a young man from Hindu background shared how he was inspired and decided to be baptized. He shared his understanding about the Christadelphian doctrines and we also discussed with him and asked some questions to know how much he knew and then he shared why he wants to be a member of the Christadelphian community. It took more than an hour to share with him the word of God and Bro Tim Galbraith baptized him.
A Muslim convert Brother Naeem-u-din, stayed with us and took us around, he was a great help as he was Urdu speaking. So the delegates found no difficulty. We did not feel we were in a foreign country; we felt like we were in Pakistan, said one delegate.
We were able to stay with Brothers and Sisters at Gujwaka and Vashkapatnam. Brother Geddian took us to visit other ecclesias. It was nice to see the children when they were having fun and learning the word of God. Girls who were helping them seemed very active and full of spirit. I got the opportunity to speak to these children and told them how Pakistani children are also learning about the word of God, for instance that Jesus Christ will come to this earth and will build the Kingdom of His Father; when somebody dies he/she is not going to heaven or ‘hell’ but become dust and when Jesus comes he will raise those who are responsible and have been baptized and striven to serve the Lord, and will be the part of the Kingdom that Jesus will build on this earth.
Bro Jacob from Gujwaka ecclesia and I shared the word of God with many people. Brothers and Sisters like interaction very much. I told them that we are divided by man’s geography, but there will be a time when we shall be together in the Lord’s Kingdom.
It was such a nice fellowship, meeting Brothers and Sisters in India. We exchanged our stories with each other and how we all are growing in Truth and helping others to learn and to be baptized. We are thankful to all the Brothers and Sisters in India who helped us financially, for our stay, food, transportation and most of all for our getting together to feel the oneness in the Lord. Please pray for the All Pakistan Christadelphian Church that it grows.
Bro. Ash