view as web pdf Days In Dodoma

(Dodoma, Tanzania)

It was a pleasure to spend two days in Dodoma with my Brothers and Sisters in Christ, students and friends. More than sixty attended at the venue in the local hall built of mud with a grass roof, Bro Yona Mlula, recorded sixty names, of those who attended the talks and there were many young people listening outside the hall.

Some interested people, adults, old and young and little ones, interested friends and contacts, as they were escorting us.

We were expected to be in Hombolo, earlier, but the bus we were travelling in broke down. However, many were interested and heard what the Christadelphians believe, teach and preach, together with the distri- bution of booklets, leaflets and displays on the walls of some buildings. Many people realised that what we believe and teach is really from the Bible, not man-made. I have to say thanks to our host, Mr Yona Mlula and others who supported the visit.

In the hall listening to Bro. Kilumbi

Bre. Tobias and Carl Hinton, with Bro. Kimimino Mzava (translating)

At one time there was some doubt whether this event would take place, but under the grace of God, many people contributed and made the whole thing possible, so we are especially grateful.

Lastly, my thanks to all who willingly replied to my call and tried to ensure that the work of teaching and other Gospel activities continue in Dodoma. I also cannot forget the generous contribution by the benefactor who helped me.

Bro. Ayubu Sazi Kilumbi

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