Refugee Matters: Are We Fulfilling God's Purpose

This can be a rather difficult question for us individually, as we sometimes are not sure what our role is. Jeremiah 1:5, also refers to us all, according to Ephesians 1:4, hence even before our baptism, God had already known and appointed us for a specific role, and He is committed to continuing His work with us to fulfill His purpose in us. Our call and our baptism are the ongoing process of this operation initiated before we were born. Jeremiah, at the time of his call, saw himself as just a child, but God pointed out to him that he (God) had already worked out his role, which he must then begin. God assured the fearful Jeremiah that He was with him, and would rescue him, and this was because this was His work, not Jeremiah’s. God then demonstrated to Jeremiah how He would proceed, by reaching out his hand and touching his mouth, thereby confirming his appointment over the nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant. In vs. 11, God enquired of Jeremiah what he had seen, and at his reply, He assured him that he had seen correctly the branch of the almond tree, as He, God, was watching to see that His word is fulfilled. This clearly indicates that God had not just left Jeremiah to carry on, on his own. What Jeremiah had seen was a symbol of God’s attention and purposed action.

 In our weakness we see the huge terrifying mountains of that which we are commissioned, overlooking the fact that it is God who is continuing HIS WORK, HIS PURPOSE, using us as His messengers to carry out His orders – Philippians 2:13, “For it is God who works in you, to will and to act according to His good purpose”. We are to make ourselves instruments for noble purposes, being holy or separate, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work (2 Timothy 2:21). This is where God will direct and use us.

There are many who are using the talents given by Our Heavenly Father, and so glorifying Him. There is lots more to be done, and at this time I must bring to remembrance, as usual, our brethren, many of whom are suffering in those refugee camps. We cannot claim that we are unaware of the plight of these poor brethren. Let us put ourselves in their place, and think how we would manage, and the assistance we would need from our brethren. I am afraid that there are many who are of the opinion that these brethren, because of their poverty, have become so immune to this kind of existence that they would not be affected, but this is a big mistake. Many are quite sensitive to their situation, but can do nothing about it, and some are driven to extremes – I often think of Proverbs 30: 7 – 9 in this type of situation. Because God knows the conditions of the individual hearts, He tells us to love our neighbours as we do ourselves. When the King returns in all his glory and sits on his throne, it is the cause of these very people, these who are overlooked, that he will address, in his judgment. Again in Ps. 72, the King of Kings in all his majesty on his royal throne will give particular attention to these. See vs. 2, 4, 12 to 14.

We are eagerly awaiting the coming of our King of Righteousness, to reign with him as kings and priests: should we not, as we know his main focus and drive in this area, give full attention to his suffering ones knowing that, in so doing, we are doing it to him? In this difficult situation let us give this matter our prayers, asking God for His strength, His guidance and direction and His help. We cannot wait until Jesus comes to swing into action with him, because his judgment mentioned above will be on what we do while waiting for him at this present time.

Sis Esther Worrell (Canada)

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