Would You Like To Be Swindled?

At least three Brethren, one in Nigeria, one in Zambia and one in Zimbabwe have recently been swindled out of money, one even obtained a loan on his house and was tricked into parting with that money and lost the lot – and is now in difficulties repaying the loan.

What seems to be happening is that someone gets your name and address and the information that you are religious. The person, whom you have never heard of before, writes you a nice letter and suggests they could help you financially, as they have heard of your good works. If you respond you may get several nice letters and told that in order to release the lot of money they would like to send to you, there are certain charges that have to be cleared and if you send a certain amount of money to them via Weston Union, then they will be able to get the money released and send you lots of cash. Once you have sent them the money to release the supposed fortune, that’s the last you hear from them and have lost your money. It is ridiculous to think that someone you have never heard of before is going to send you a fortune, so do not fall for such tricks. The Russians have a saying, ‘The only free cheese is in a rat’s trap’. So don’t be tempted to get into the trap – the cheese is an illusion and trying to get it you will lose all.

Marcus Heaster

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