Gospel News · January - April 2015

We had a wonderful fraternal gathering led
by Bro Barry Van Heerden who was accom-
panied by Sis Wendith; and we enjoyed the
fellowship with other Ecclesias. The long
awaited Sis Yvonne Dube (Walton, UK) has
arrived; she has started teaching and
demonstrating the Cooking course at
Yeoville Ecclesia. We also had her at our
Wednesday class and contributed with
words of encouragement.
We thank God for his blessings on our
preaching activities: we have been granted
a stand in the Alexander Shopping mall to
preach the Good News of the Kingdom of
God and our Lord Jesus Christ, a lot of
people are responding to our correspon-
dence course. If God be willing, we are
hoping to run series of Seminars in
News from TANZANIA
I have received your great Mail Bag in which
you enclosed books and very wonderful Bibles
with commentary. We are so pleased and
proud to have them. We use them in our
evening Bible Class (in which I am the
teacher), in our Church and in our Annual
Camp meeting which has just ended and in
which I was the main speaker. I found all
attention to the topics:
“Is there life after death?”
“What is the correct baptism?”
“Is Jesus really God?”
“Why does God allow suffering?”
I have been very busy at work and home
and been stressing a lot as Kevin, my son,
was to go back to college. He is now on his
way to college, which is his third year.
I thank God for his tender care to both of
my sons and me, plus the ecclesia at large.
The meeting is doing great and we are all
We thank all brothers and sisters from all the
world – through your praying we advance in
reading the Word of God.
Also we send many thanks for sending us the
Gospel News which encourages me and our
ecclesia to know and to understand the Word
MBEYA | Bro Ewaldi Mushi
I could speak on all those subjects by
standing on your shoulders, which has
enabled me to know the real God. In Tanzania
we are told that just immediately after death
one goes to heaven (if he or she was a good
Christian) or to hell (if bad) or to purgatory (if
between). This lie has been preached for
centuries and we are now uprooting it and
people see the Truth in the Bibles you have
sent to us.
You asked me if we would like Swahili New
Testament, with the comments. The answer
is a big YES!
Sis Monica Achieng
thankful. Yesterday a very bad tragedy
occurred and many people died - about 75
both young and old. There are more funerals
here in town but we are glad that all our
sisters and brothers relatives were not
affected. This means that God is in control
of his people.
of God. May God bless you and your way to
reach the Kingdom of God to come on earth
We should struggle to remain in Jesus Christ.
The Bible says in Acts 15:20,
~ continued ...