Gospel News · September - December 2014

Next day off to another Bible class. Leon gave
an excellent talk on Hebrews 1 which got
everyone thinking.
Next day Leon gave his last Bible Class on
Romans to a full hall, appreciated by all
present; much disappointment was felt that
he would not be there to complete the series.
Sunday we left for the breaking of bread at
Quatres Bornes. Michael’s exhortation was on
unity based on John 17; very apt for Mauritius
with another Christadelphian group down the
road and others in isolation. Straight after
the meeting we took Bro Leon to the airport
and a sad departure after such a brief visit.
Next day we visited Bro Lilkan, who is not
well with early stages of Parkinson’s disease;
Santa and their sweet but sickly daughter,
Brenda, were also there. A Brother from
Ipswich UK Albert Wade married to a
Mauritian Muslim lady, Ben, 33 years ago
joined us. There is a good friendship between
her and Santa. Michael went off for a long
discussion with Lilkan and helped put many
Bible programs onto his computer after
getting rid of viruses. Lilkan finds it very
difficult to walk, with bad feet from
Next day to Quatre Bornes to visit Bro Harry
Bhagal, an Indian brother and early member
of the Quatre Bornes Ecclesia. We took him
to a Chinese restaurant of his choice and
discovered he was celebrating his 90th
Birthday that very day! Quite an amazing
man, ex headmaster and still very alert and
active. His memory is phenomenal. He recol-
lected all the things they had done together
with Bro Frances Georges and how we had
bought the land for the Ecclesial Hall for only
Rupees 48000; now worth one million Rupees.
Off again that evening to another Bible class
given by Michael – “Who is Jesus”, a study on
how to know our Redeemer better. Thursday
we paid another visit to dear Lilkan and Santa
as Michael needed to complete work on his
computer and fix his printer. This time Santa
showed me her beautiful garden. Albert
arrived soon after us and we had a good
discussion about Bible prophecy. He invited us
to tea (Vanilla tea) at his place and another
chat with his wife also.
That evening, 5.30 p.m., another Bible class
which Michael led. Statutory two hymns and
readings done – it was 6.30 before the main
talk “Sin and its consequences; Why did Jesus
have to die?”.
Saturday ... The FRATERNAL! We asked Roy,
the owner, for permission to have some
friends around – maybe ten to fifteen but he
said max ten – but relented if more came. He
brought six chairs from his home and left
them at the cottage next door. So all shopped
out with lots of cold drinks - including
Michael’s special vanilla iced tea blend,
burgers, meat, pork sausages, snacks and
rolls, we waited anxiously for the arrival of
~ continued ...
Bro Harry Bhagal with Bro Michael Floyd