Gospel News · June - August 2012

Gospel News — Jun-Aug 2012
bless this wonderful work. We have three new contacts who have just started doing lessons, and are attending our Sunday services regularly, but our ecclesia no longer has extra Bibles to give. It would be helpful if you could send us three copies. I am convinced that sooner or later these contacts will be added to our number.
On the Gospel News magazines, oh yes, I would like to continue receiving them. I won't allow myself to miss the good and wonderful news from brethren and sisters all over the world.
--Bro. Witness Majecha
I am a regular Gospel News reader, but the magazine has ceased to reach me. Would you please send, or resume sending it to me as before. The magazine is important to me as it keeps me in touch with the whole Christadelphian community.
I am in isolation and sometimes I ask whether I am still in Christ, but I am revived by reading what others think and do in isolation. Read and pray to the Lord our God – thanks be given to the Almighty for keeping us informed and educated about the coming of Jesus.
Let's thank God for calling us into His splendid house, for in darkness we have been, when we knew not the true God. Say `hello' to the given light. Fight tirelessly the darkness that surrounds us, seeking to devour our given light. Pray God to strengthen you all.
The days we live in are full of temptation. Many of the sheep of the fold have fallen out and turned to the hyenas in sheeps' clothes, with their sweet tongues and alms to fill their bellies. The lustful hearts of individual members in the Christian family have destroyed the once worked-for faith. Remember to work only for faith that will remain at the end of the day.
--Bro. Steven Tedza
I was very glad and I thank you so much for sending me the NEV Bible, with commentary on
each page. It is so nice to look at, open and easy to read every chapter with understanding. My prayer is for the Lord to continue blessing this work.
I am very strong in my preaching effort and there is no-one here to contend with my doctrine experience, as I am doing the work boldly, without fear. The work is very great in this corner of the vineyard. I have more people coming to hear the gospel whom I am helping to know `Bible Basics' and difficult passages of the Bible.
This year, 2012, I am gathering some people who have been taught error by other sects, and am teaching them true Bible doctrine, as many here are based on the Old Testament. Some students don't understand English well: six do, understand English, but they don't have their own Bibles.
Criticism and jealousy are always against our good work – I have experienced this for a long, long time. But God is for us, so we do go forward in every situation in the Name of Jesus our Lord.
My eyes are becoming sick – to read some very small print without the help of reading spectacles is difficult. I am sending you a doctor's prescription for reading glasses, as my old ones have broken.
I am so happy seeing God's providence every day in my environment. In this last hour I am praying for all brothers and sisters to stand firm in the Word, as many are becoming faint or lost. I am enjoying reading Gospel News to all nations.
--Stanford Kuuzha
I received the new Bibles that will give me power for preaching the Word of God. Romans 15:1-3 says `those who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please his neighbour for his good, building him up.' Even Jesus did not please himself.
Would you please give us six Bibles – that is our request please.
--Bro. David Ngwenya