Gospel News · June - August 2012

Gospel News — Jun-Aug 2012
I am the only one working at the farm, leaving me with very little time to do other things.
In December at our business meeting, we agreed that we should at least have four books written by Christadelphians, and we must read and exchange them with one another. These are:
1. Phanerosis and other writings by John Thomas
2. Come and See the Gospel of John, by David Nightingale
3. The Real Devil, by Duncan Heaster
4. The Law of Moses, by Robert Roberts.
--Bro. Moses Dhlakama
We are requesting a new Bible for Chivi Ecclesia. We also thank our Heavenly Father for the good work C.A.T is doing.
--Bro. Isaac Ngaro
During reading the book of Job, I have learnt that Job was a `perfect' man whose moral integrity was recognized by God (Job 1:1). Yet he suffered greatly. The theological perspective of both Job and the friends seemed to lead them to feel that suffering was a direct response to sin, and blessing was therefore proportionate to righteousness. This was not understanding what God wants from us. The more we come near God, the more God tests our faith.
Approach your Bible reading session in a prayerful and focused frame of mind. Value what you learn.Set attainable goals for yourself. Look for new ways to study the Scriptures. Visualize Bible accounts. Devote time to difficult Scriptures and the explanations of them, so that you understand them clearly.Avoid rushing through the material.Develop a greater longing for God's Word.Finally, meditate on Scriptural passages.
--Bro. Dzingai Sumburera
We do have eleven students on the U.K. course, and nine on oral lessons, none of these do not have Bibles. We would also require another five Bibles for visitors who might
attend our services. After the service they would leave the Bibles at the ecclesial hall..
Cell-phones are now being used' as the Network machine was opened on 15 January 2012. To those with phones communication has become much easier. It was very hard for us, the Guruve C.B.M. brothers and sisters, to communicate with other C.B.M. members in Zimbabwe, but right now I can borrow a phone from anyone, providing I pay him US$1.00 for air-time, as I do not have my own cell-phone.
--Bro. Nice Yotamu
Everyone in our ecclesia is appreciating the good work of spreading the good news worldwide. We also pray for you. Let us look at Acts 28:31 and Ephesians 6:19. You have instilled knowledge in us also. Let us look at Proverbs 24:3-5.
I have shown the Bible to our ecclesial members and those on the 40 lesson course and so many liked it. So far 20 of them have requested them and also if possible add some more so that when visitors come they will have Bibles to read, rather than sharing.
--Bro. Johannes John
I have moved from Belvedere to Milton Park because of conditions of work.
I thank God for what He is doing in my life. I also thank God for CAT, because through reading the material you send me I learnt to understand the Word, and now I can more practically do what it tells me. And it increases my faith when I am doing this.
I have experienced many achievements since the time I started this. Now I'm looking toward running my own business – or let me say, I've already started it. As the Word of God says, `all things are possible.'
--Bro. Calvin Chitano
Thank you so much for sending us a sample copy of the whole Bible. May the Lord our God