Gospel News · June - August 2012

Gospel News — Jun-Aug 2012
We are happy to receive the parcel of Gospel News and books which we like as they contain good building up messages of encouragement from our different brothers and sisters around the world. We also need other doctrinal literature. God has blessed His work here in the refugee camp as we have now grown to the total number of 15 Brethren and Sisters and some others still on lessons, so Bibles are needed especially for those that have not. We also need your prayers so that people around may continue to be thirsty for the truth so that they may learn to escape eternal death.
--Bro Pascal Nyongolo.
Togogara Refugee Ecclesia
I was very glad to receive some New Testaments and Bible Basics from you. Your supply has made our studies a bit easier now. All the ecclesia members have their own Bibles, except students. We are asking if you could please possibly supply 10 English Bibles and 10 Shona Bibles, as this will make our studies much easier.
As I am dealing with students from different places, it would be easier for me to visit them if I have a bike. Some are school pupils, and some are elders in different villages.
--Bro. Tavaremba Mugova
I would like to express my thoughts about the Christadelphian church: it is the church of Truth, because of the verses of the Bibles which we study every day and every Sunday. I would like to thank the brothers and sisters of Triangle ecclesia for coming to church every Sunday, and I would like to say I wish to receive my own Gospel News magazine in my name.
I am sorry that Bro. Kuvarega Mavuvo is not now in Triangle ecclesia, but in South Africa.
--Bro. Clyford Chingwara
I received a pack of Bibles you have sent and I was very pleased to have them. I will try my best to distribute the Bibles to other brothers and sisters of Triangle Ecclesia. Some of them have their own Bibles already, so I will give to those without English Bibles, and the remaining ones will be used for Bible study at our local secondary school. As I have already mentioned about school pupils willing to commence the 40-lesson course, it's now my duty to contact them regularly at school.
If God blesses me for my ambition, I want to raise a big gathering here at Nyikavanhu, as it seems more and more people are willing to join us.
--Bro. Tavaremba Mugova
God willing, will you please send us five complete Bibles for members in Zaka. This will help us to uplift ourselves and others in our area, especially with the help of the Bible footnotes.
In Zimbabwe rain is moderate, but we are only managing to get `D' fertilizers, as `A.N.' is being hidden. Whenever we manage to come across `A.N.' it is too expensive. You buy it at US$40, not including transport. Crops now need topping – if not, this year we shall face hunger again. Please pray for us, for God to pour on us His grace. This reminds me of Matt.10:21-26, 28-33.
Brethren and sisters, think of the signs of the times. The Lord Jesus is almost here. As we are baptised into Jesus' death and resurrection to a new life in him, do you know that we are married to God's